Posts Tagged ‘blasphemy’


An old one from 8 years ago.

We’ve improved the layout for those of you who view J&M on mobile devices. Hope you like it.


Congratulations to Bobby from N Carolina – a second time winner of the monthly raffle – who wins a signed copy of Wrong again, God boy.

If you enjoy Jesus & Mo, please consider becoming a Patron:

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It’s cheap and fun.

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Yeah, it’s Imran.

Here’s another plug for J&M’s upcoming birthday Patreon drive. If you enjoy the comic and want to help keep it going, this is the best way to do it:

Become a Patron!



It’s another real-life joke! This is the story. This is part of the Billy Connolly routine. And this is a recent screenshot from Asda’s online store:


It’s Cher who’s in trouble, according to this disrespectfully titled story in The Times (subs only).

Ganesh last appeared here 13 years ago!


Those boys will believe anything.

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In solidarity with Charlie Hebdo today, as the trial of 14 alleged accomplices to the attack of 7 January 2015.

And congratulations to Roland from Sweden who wins this month’s raffle prize!

If you enjoy Jesus & Mo and want to support its continued existence on Earth, you can become a patron here. Just a dollar a month is all it takes to put a smile on the boys’ faces, and make Mo forget the blasphemous offence he suffers every week:

Become a Patron!


It’s not funny.