
It’s going to be another long year.

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Discussion (33)¬

  1. Laripu says:

    Because doubt metastasizes. As does knowledge.

    Ecclesiastes 1:18 says “For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.”

    So therefore the religious must increase folly and ignorance in order to diminish grief and sorrow?

  2. Troubleshooter says:

    Historically, skepticism and doubt are intolerable in the church, certainly the evangelical church. This tells me that at some level or other, they KNOW they’re bluffing a busted flush and cannot deal with that reality, so they double-down on their belief and deny, Deny, DENY any chance of their being wrong.

    And @Laripu, I can’t help but notice that it actually says in Proverbs 4:6-7, “Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.”

    So what’s wrong with this picture?!? [chuckle!]

  3. Jesus F Iscariot says:

    Follow the flow of money to find the Truth.

    Salesmen never ever give up and admit that the product might be worthless. Con artists selling heaven and the avoidance of hellfire need you to come to church and pay them for their “service”. So they say you should show up despite the pandemic for example.

    It’s never meaningful to argue the specific contents of any theology to the salesperson or his customers. It’s all the same meaningless garble.

    They can’t afford, since they need money and status, to admit that you’re right. Nothing in that for them.

    Trump is another iteration of this scam mentality.

  4. Matt R says:

    I utterly hate faith. Hate is a strong word, so let me be clear – I REALLY hate faith. To commit yourself to dogma and to abandon open-mindedness is to give up on life’s potential. These people should kill themselves. Unfortunately their religion often prohibits them from doing so – it fails them one final time!

  5. M27Holts says:

    ^ Aye. Why don’t the faith heads commit suicide before they sin too much…aaah of course suicide is sin…the ultimate catch 22 for the xtian’s…got round by Muslims of course because if they take non-muslims with them they get to the afterlife, afterall…

  6. postdoggerel says:

    From the USA: There may possibly be a loving God.

  7. Someone says:

    Faith and fear are two sides of the same coin, and irrational emphasis on both is the reason why the world is still hellscape many hoped a new year would remedy.
    Alas, hope isn’t too far removed from that coin, either.

  8. Son of Glenner says:

    Someone: Gee! A three-sided coin! This I must see!

  9. Paul T Seed says:

    My working definition of God is “People at their best”. It has all the advantages of a conventional god – wise, answers prayers (sometimes),support in time of trouble etc. It does not stretch my credulity (much), and it avoids the bonkers extremism that too often disfigures religion.

  10. paradoctor says:

    On panel 3: “Men of wildly varying degrees of wisdom and literary ability.”
    Very gently put.

  11. Deimos says:

    SoG: all coins have 3 sides – heads, tails and the edge. A coin tossed up and allowed to land on floor can land on its edge. I’ve seen it exactly once in a life were I frequently decide things with a toss of my lucky coin.

  12. jb says:

    Deimos — You’ve actually seen a coin land on its edge? Very cool! What kind of coin was it? That would matter because different coins have different kinds of edges. An article I read recently asserted that a US nickle will land on its edge about once in every 6000 throws, but it didn’t elaborate. I wonder who came up with that number and how they arrived at it? Theoretical analysis? Did an experiment? Just made the number up? (You do know of course that 87% of all statistics are just made up).

  13. M27Holts says:

    JB. I thought it was 95.29% actually…

  14. Son of Glenner says:

    jb: My late father often used to remark that half the lies you hear nowadays are not true.

  15. Mockingbird says:

    Author: Don’t miss this unique opportunity for the world’s funniest cartoon strip: JESUS and MO and DONALD.

  16. Donal Feran says:

    Uh, no.
    Donald would push Jesus and Mo out of the way and lecture the barmaid about how badly he’d been treated and that the fake media were out to get him and . . . .
    Actually, though, he’d never stay; he doesn’t drink and there’s no crowd. He MUST have a crowd of adoring sycophants or he’s not interested.

  17. Laripu says:

    Donal, I’m not certain Donald would leave. I think he might stay, in order to try to convince the barmaid to have sex with him.

    I have it on good authority that she’s quite stunning, a truly beautiful woman. God told me. 😉

  18. M27Holts says:

    In my experience any drinking establishment that uses attractive persons to make people stay is usually serving ice cold fosters and not quality cask conditioned ale…

  19. Mockingbird says:

    You guys are missing the point here. Author has TOTAL control here, it’s HIS cartoon. If he wants Donny behind the bar with a frilly apron on . . . . . that’s the way it will be. Could be fun.
    BTW, the C & B is nearly always crowded, it’s just that you can’t see ’em all.

  20. M27Holts says:

    Anybody visualising the shredded wheat haired loonbomb with an apron on…has a VERY sick mind…

  21. Donn says:

    Well, I’m envious – Boris so much jollier. For me, though, it seems likely that any politician introduced here would turn out to be a disappointment.

    Unlike Jesus or Mo, pie in the face is the politician’s every day life. They’re the opposite of sacrosanct (possibly to an unhealthy degree that has some reflection in the poor show of candidates each new term.) What’s a cartoonist to add to that – more pies and brickbats? ho hum. Who’s sacrosanct, any more?

  22. Joe Mello says:

    Like atheists, who are really honest people often considering the possibility that their atheism is not actually true, but actually more of an anti-religious bigotry from getting the Bible shoved up their ass. Yeah, Author, like that.

  23. Someone Else says:

    @Deimos On edge indeed! I too would like to know more. What kind of coin and what were the circumstances of the toss. Surely for such an event you recall what was being decided?

  24. postdoggerel says:

    Mockingbird, about that frilly dress…

  25. samhuff says:

    “Faith is believing what you know isn’t true.” Samuel Clemons.

  26. Donn says:

    I didn’t get any Bible shoved up my ass. My father didn’t believe that crap, nor did my grandfather. My grandfather was a little bitter over it, having been raised in the Bible Belt of midwestern America, but he just wasn’t generally a fan of bullshit, though a very gentle man overall.

    Atheism isn’t “true”, it’s just refusal to embrace falsehood.

  27. Horrible Heathen says:

    Bouncing off of Laripu and Troubleshooter’s comments regarding knowledge and truth and skepticism etc: One of my favorite quotes comes from Matt Dilahunty, “Truth has nothing to fear from investigation”.

    If one has the undeniable truth of the universe as verified by the creator of said universe, there would be no fear of doubt and searching. Further scrupulous learning and questioning only strengthens knowledge of the truth, which would lead to greater conviction of that reality.

    Unfortunately, many in positions of theocratic power know that they are peddling lies. Therefore they make questioning and doubt a shameful exercise, and one to be culled—before excommunicating those that continue to practice as such.

    Which leads me to another favorite saying, this one I’ll have to paraphrase: “as faith can be used to believe anything at all, even contradictory things, faith is not a pathway to truth”.

    If one’s goal is to seek truth, faith must be discarded. It it useless in seeking to verify knowledge and learn about reality.

  28. Mockingbird says:

    Postdog’ – Good clip, Donny would love that !

  29. Deimos says:

    Coin on edge: it was an old style pound coin, occurred when pound coins were just introduced.

    The place was a pub in Bristol with a plain wood floor and the question being asked was “Should we have one more round ?”. After the result we decided to make a night of it.

  30. M27Holts says:

    ^ why would you need to flip a coin to decide the outcome of a question that logically only has a ‘YES’ answer?

  31. jb says:

    Deimos — Ah ha, that explains it! I have an old pound coin that I saved from a visit to England in the 80s. Not only does it have a nice flat rim, but for a coin it’s remarkably thick. (I remember being struck by that at the time). Doing a little experiment just now I find it’s considerably easier to stand it on its edge than the American coins in my pocket (although if I am very careful I can even stand a dime on its edge). Probably the best coin to throw if you are hoping for a third outcome.

  32. M27Holts says:

    Meanwhile, on british television, an Irish Politician apologising for Roman Catholic atrocities against unmarried women and children…without a single mention of the perpertrators religion….must gave been the godless heathen atheists to blame then…


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