Posts Tagged ‘war on christmas’


OK, someone suggested doing an “anniversary comics” thing to promote the archive, so I shall give it a shot. Every time a new comic shares a date with an old one, I’ll make a note of it.

On this day two years ago, J&M did this.

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War is hell.

BTW, Lulu announced a today-only discount of 15% – so if you’ve been thinking of buying a J&M book or two (and there’s already a 20% discount in effect to the end of this month), this is a very good time to do it. Just enter the code DEC21 at the checkout.

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Congratulations to Buckley from WA, who wins this month’s raffle prize – a signed copy of Wrong again, God boy.

On November 23, Jesus & Mo celebrates its 13th birthday. Help them celebrate by becoming a Patron:

From now until that date, anyone becoming a $4 per month patron (or raising their existing pledge to $4) gets sent a signed, dedicated A5 J&M print of their choice – an ideal Xmas present or gift to self (say which comic and who you want it dedicated to in an email or Patreon message). This is a limited time offer which ends on Nov 23.

Become a Patron!


Well I think it’s funny.

The original gag is from 4 years ago.


Wishing all J&M readers a happy and safe sordid orgy of commercialism and excess!

(This is a rewrite of a 14 year old strip)

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Prompted by this from The Telegraph (stop loading before download is finished to see full article)