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Discussion (6)¬

  1. […] The latest episode of “Jesus and Mo” is up at their website, and this time they cover… something.  Go show some love and find out what they’re talking about. […]

  2. […] The latest episode of “Jesus and Mo” is up at their website, and this time they cover… something. Go show some love and find out what they’re talking about. […]

  3. Teralek says:

    Quantum theory defies not only the laws of physics, but common sense too! Damn that Schrödinger cat! LOL

  4. Matt says:

    @ Teralek
    You can’t really say something defines the laws of physics when it *is* the laws of physics. I like that quantum theory defies our common sense; if it didn’t, we would have a complete understanding of the universe by now, and wouldn’t have the fun of figuring it out anymore.

  5. Acolyte of Sagan says:

    Faith; a euphemism for a wasted life.

  6. Topi Linkala says:

    The observed universe defies the laws of physics, so it’s time to refine the laws of physics not invent some “dark matter” that you just take on faith.


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