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Discussion (15)¬

  1. JoJo says:

    This onion is making me cry..

  2. joe says:

    So the Koran is like an ogre? Or like a parfait?

  3. Pila says:

    Definitely like an Ogre. While to the world it seems threatening and mean, it is kind-hearted when you get to know it. Or something.

  4. Hobbes says:

    Mo should point out the Book of Joshua (as an example of something stupid and horrible). Then point out the Christian belief that Yahweh is a loving god (apple). Then, snap his fingers, clap hands, shake Jesus, shout . . . nothing will work.

  5. Don says:

    It’s all context. It’s all good.

  6. Trev says:

    I ate a koran once and it does indeed taste of onion. Sweet, sweet onion…

  7. flo says:

    maybe mo shouldn’t read so much of that particular newspaper …

  8. Jerry w says:

    If only a finger-snap could put a stop to this endless curse of organized religion.

    I’d be out there snapping it up until my bloody stumps wouldn’t click anymore if I thought that it would work.

    The bad news is that it’s not going to happen in the near future. I guess the good news is that I won’t have to give up picking my nose any day soon.

    Jerry w

  9. Dan says:

    Why *is* Mo reading the Daily Mail, exactly?

  10. JoJo says:

    It seems the only thing you can achieve by snapping your fingers is causing children in the 3rd world to die. Bono must be stopped!

  11. Ketil G says:

    I agree with Jesus, the Koran is an apple. But for the rest of us it is a onion

  12. […] and Mo discuss apples and onions (dig their choice of bedtime reading) and things that don’t […]

  13. kristian says:

    excellent satrie. if only you’d made jesus look stupid at the same time

  14. Captain Arse says:

    lol @ Mo reading the Daily Mail


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