
Discussion (12)¬

  1. Jonathan says:

    OMFG Jesus & Mo FTW!!!

  2. Lee says:

    What are you talking about, Jesus! Of course people can monopolize their prophets if they want to.

    Scientology, for example. Church of Scientology has been very active to defend its proprietary rights. Xenu & Co â„¢ (® all rights all rights withheld) have been around only a few decades, where as Jeses and Mo have been around for ages, but it’s only matter of time when Xenu falls into public domain. But untill that happens Church of Scientology OWNS Xenus ass.

  3. TaoAndZen says:

    I think this one is directed at louts that send the author abuse on-line wailing about disrespectful caricatures of their beloved holy men.

    Lee, I thought Xenu had been around for 70 million years. They (Ron, Tom et al) can’t have it both ways.

  4. mat says:

    i dont get it.. someone explain why and what mo is saying at the end

  5. nat says:

    Mo says ” The prophet can not be owned”

  6. Johanna says:

    hehe I just learned about these comics today, and I have been reading them all now and I think they are very funny, I love these, keep’em comin

  7. Sir Beast says:

    I’ve been reading J&M for some time now and LOVE them! I only wish the site updated more often! 😉

  8. Mo says ” The prophet can not be owned” .

    But maybe “pwned” is a new word invented by him to avoid saying “owned”.

  9. l33t haxxor says:

    pwnt is haxxor. It simply means owned. And owned in this sense is a pun. In gaming, if you get your ass handed to you, people say that you were owned.

  10. peterNW1 says:

    I don’t get this one. Sorry.

  11. Nerd says:

    This one requires a nerdy background. Search for “Pwn” in Wikipedia if you are not one of us and you may get the joke.

  12. dave goodwi says:

    i wish people would lighten up, it’s comedy !! not pornography !! when will people stop hijacking religion or portraying nationalism and racialismm as weapons to poke the international concious. peace, one love


    We are not so different
    We all come from the same place,
    Our skins may be of different colours
    But we all share the same face.
    If we all join together
    In peace and harmony ?
    We could make this a better life
    For everybody.
    We are not so different
    We are pages from the same book
    Our clothes are made from different materials
    Still the same we all look !
    If we all joined together
    In peace and harmony ?
    We could make this a better life
    For everybody.
    We are not so different
    We are all victims just as before
    All our children and families are precious
    Let us all put and end to war !
    If we all joined together
    In peace and harmony ?
    We could make this a better life
    For everybody.
    We are not so different
    We all shared the same birth
    Our origins may be a little uncertain
    But every mans home is the earth !
    If we all joined together
    In peace and harmony ?
    We could make this world
    A much better place
    For everybody.



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