
Jesus and Mo will be back in September.

Discussion (19)¬

  1. Big Tom says:

    Surely the holiday should have been Mo getting to experience the other side of the bed for once and perhaps the books switched over?

    Must be some mileage in going back through customs…”anything to declare?”

    It’s easy this cartooning lark! 😉


  2. Jonathan says:

    Yeah.. Like they’d let Mo on a plane… Fnaaarrr..

  3. carolita says:

    Wherever you go, there they are!
    Happy vacationing, Author!

  4. Brian says:

    Bastard! Oh, wait. That’s about a week from now. Happy travels and I hope you arent going anywhere where they stone heretics.

  5. TB says:

    I agree, the beds needed a switch.

  6. Don says:

    Morcombe and Wise never switched sides. What make J&M more special?

  7. bjkeefe says:

    Have a good vacation, but please, hurry back. I just came across your comic strip and I can’t wait for more. Absolutely brilliant!

  8. gavin says:

    Are they supposed to seem gay?

  9. tie says:

    gavin they are gay as in happy in their delusion.

  10. sean says:

    Mo will likely be held up at security for a while, they might not let him on the plane with that head-gear.

  11. Toast in the machine says:

    Am I hallucinating or did the plane just double-back on itself?

  12. Best episode ever! Come back soon!

  13. melior says:

    Re: Mo’s book, did you know David Hume was originally named David Home?
    It’s true!

    Have a great vacation, and get home safe!

  14. Haverholm says:

    @ melior: Incidentally, John Cleese’s family name would have been Cheese, had his father not changed it upon joining the army.

    Why anybody would want to do that is beyond me.

  15. Jonathan says:

    Excuse me, is this a Cleese shop..?? How easily a good sketch could have been ruined..

  16. author says:

    Toast – no, you are not hallucinating. I flipped the plane. Big improvement, don’t you think?

  17. Toast in the machine says:

    Indeed, that’s definitely the right direction. I’m glad J and M have a picture of mountains to look at for a change too.

  18. Jerrry w. says:

    I suppose that you could have bumped up the irony factor a bit if you had put an El-Al logo on the plane.

    But hey, thanks for not having shown it headed for some tall buildings.

  19. Bagpuss says:

    bjkeefe – not sure that you’re meant to get that excited…….


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