a bit

Many thanks to Saudi Arabia for this week’s strip.

Discussion (23)¬

  1. Max+T.+Furr says:

    Hah! The power of myth! Religious absolutism is the slipperiest material on Earth. It’s like trying to pin down a drop of mercury. They always have an out because it’s all fiction and they can make up as they go.

  2. WalterWalcarpit says:

    Wow! Gotta love that second paragraph in the OIC statement.

  3. RuthlessGoat says:

    “You’re too judgmental!”
    “Really?” “I’ll be the judge of that.”

  4. Tomas says:

    Another take on this:

    Margot: NO, don’t flog him to death! He just blogged!?
    – WHAT?!! What is she saying?!
    – She offends us!!!
    – I… I’m chocked!
    – Recall the ambassador.

  5. IanB says:

    “should not, be based on a single and centric perspective that seeks to remake the world in its own image; and conform all according to its convictions”

    Damn there goes another irony meter launching it’s internal parts into orbit

  6. Wo! I’m writing my currently-due column for Free Inquiry on THIS VERY SUBJECT.

    What a joke, isn’t it? “rich and varied ethical standards” oh fuck OFF.

  7. Author says:

    I look forward to reading that, Ophelia. It’s almost beyond belief how disingenuous SA and the OIC are being.

  8. “We are culturally relativist theocrats!! Also two-legged quadrupeds!!”

  9. Nassar+Ben+Houdja says:

    Who is the one to judge
    The imams, of course, with a grudge
    Quotes form the Qur’an the moan
    While sinners they stone
    Their enlightenment is a dirty smudge.

  10. inquisador says:

    Oh I see! The OIC is a one-way window on the wicked western world.

    Irony? Hypocrisy? Huh? More western blather and deflection by the morally bankrupt infidel!

  11. white+squirrel says:

    The Islamic Principle of Lying for Allah against infidels

  12. djpdummy says:

    We only lie to you in your best interest.

  13. djpdummy says:

    But we do lie. TAQIYYA

  14. pfzzzer says:

    Thank the Gods for Google and Wikipedia… would never have understood without 🙂

  15. neil98 says:

    In the context of a self-serving statement from a totalitarian theocrat, there is something very chilling about the phrase “diverse social norms”.

  16. white+squirrel says:

    the context of a self-serving statement from a totalitarian theocrat.
    a good description of the quran Neil98

  17. white+squirrel says:

    and for context read con-text

  18. Theo+H says:

    If I hadn’t double checked the URL I would have thought this was an article on The Onion!

  19. plainsuch says:

    The OIC stressed that the world community, with its multiple cultures, diverse social norms, rich and varied ethical standards and different institutional structures, can not, and should not, be based on a single and centric perspective that seeks to remake the world in its own image; and conform all according to its convictions, references, historical background and philosophical, social and political roots.

    No problem. I too believe that Islam can not and should not remake the world in its own image; and conform all according to its convictions, references, historical background and philosophical, social and political roots.

    What prestigious Western PR firm is running their media campaign? Should we tell the OIC that they are being taken for an expensive ride?

  20. Shaughn says:

    Should we tell the OIC …

    What? And lose all the profit?

  21. niall says:

    I have just been listening the BBC Radio 4 ‘Saffron Censorship: India’s Culture Wars http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b05nt2bx . Maybe J&M could develop into a bit of a ménage a trois with the arrival of a Hindu lodger?

  22. white+squirrel says:

    Should we tell the OIC …

    What? And lose all the prophet?


  23. white+squirrel says:

    a Hindu lodger?

    just one ?
    one for each hindu deity surely?


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