
Discussion (6)¬

  1. » Rock says:

    […] From Jesus and Mo , hehehe […]

  2. […] Tirinha original publicada em 8 de junho de 2006 […]

  3. Flavus says:

    Obviously, the Kaaba is a Device sent by extraterrestrials with the purpose of seizing control of the Minds of more than a Billion gullible souls, and since they know just how stupid humans are (by this point in time there was already a sizable number of believers in a self-fathering zombie carpenter) they only communicated through one man, via epileptic fits, knowing that people would believe him!

  4. Keith Graham says:

    Almost as crazy as the Mormons. Their whole religion comes from a stone in a hat, there is a good reason for that – they could not read the missing parts of the bible as it was written in ancient Greek on brass.

  5. Cephas Atheos says:

    It’s actually a rock, in a box, in a frock…

  6. Solo Hands says:

    A rock in a box wearing a frock which we can mock.


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