Posts Tagged ‘religion’


Go for it, Mo.

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Comp Winner

This is the winning entry in the J&M script-writing competition. Sastra’s entry stood out from among a strong field for its combination of profundity and brevity. Congratulations, Sastra! Your signed book will be winging its way to you soon.

The competition was much harder to judge than I’d imagined. Honourable mentions go to Darwin Harmless, Max Saturation, Matthew R, Alejandro, Phil A, Linda A, E Jackson, and Preston McD.

Thank you to all who entered!

BTW, a few people suggested leaving the last panel blank, which does create quite an eloquent silence, but as it didn’t involve any writing – and many people had the same idea – it was arbitrarily disqualified as an entry.

CHEAP BOOKS: Lulu is offering 30% off on books until Dec 17 with the code
Have I mentioned there’s a new J&M collection out?


Spotted by Butterflies & Wheels.

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The raffle will be drawn next week – prize is a signed, attributed copy of Wrong Again, God Boy. It’s not too late to join the fun.


Many thanks to the Archbishop of Canterbury for co-scripting this week’s strip.


This one’s nearly 10 years old.



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And so on.

If you enjoy the J&M comic, and you’d like to contribute towards its continued weekly appearance on your screen, please consider becoming a Patron. It needn’t cost much, and there are compensations. Click the pic to see


The Helsinki study.

Looking for a Christmas present for the infidel in your life? Maybe a signed, dedicated J&M strip would do it. They’re only $10 each. To purchase, you need to make a one-off Patreon pledge, and message me saying which strip you want, who to dedicate it to, and where to send it. The $10 will go out of your account at the start of the coming month, after which you simply delete the monthly pledge (or reduce it to a more manageable amount), and I’ll pop the strip in the post to you in plenty of time for Christmas (end of November is the cut off point for orders).

Here’s the link: