Posts Tagged ‘niqab’


Who does?

Congrats to Mel from Vegas, the winner of this month’s raffle prize: a signed and dedicated J&M book.

You can join the fun here:

Become a Patron!


Oh, Jesus. It’s all in the delivery.

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They got to learn somehow.

Congrats to Gerald from Orlando, who wins this month’s raffle prize!

You can join the raffle fun and help support the comic by becoming a Patron here:

Become a Patron!

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Congratulations to Gail, who wins this month’s raffle prize – a signed a dedicated print of her choice.

If you enjoy Jesus & Mo, please think about becoming a Patron. Pledging dollar or two a month is all it takes to make the hell-bound blasphemer who draws this comic happy.

Become a Patron!

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