
Here’s the article Jesus is reading.

Discussion (43)¬

  1. As always a great punch line. Good on ya, Author. (Except I didn’t get the last one. Must be missing a reference. I’ll go back and check the comments and see if anything comes clear.)

  2. Waaaah. Don’t the comments get archived with the strips? Where’d they go?

  3. Prithvi says:

    Can someone post a link to the particular issue? The article sounds interesting. I’m sick of Muslims telling me Jews did 9/11.

  4. Grouchy-One says:

    Hey Darwin… perhaps the little ad just under today’s strip might offer a clue to the punchline ;-P

  5. author says:

    @DH – the comments are there. I don’t know why you can’t see them.
    @Prithvi – there’s a link to the article under the “Like” button

  6. Could have something to do with me being in China, but I’ve drilled a worm hole through the Great Firewall so this seems very odd. The comments are definitely not there for me.

  7. Runar says:

    There are two good books on the topic: “Mistakes were made (but not by me) : why we justify foolish beliefs, bad decisions, & hurtful acts” by Carol Tavris and “Why people believe weird things : pseudoscience, superstition, and other confusions of our time” by Michael Schermer.

  8. fontor says:

    Birthers! Everyone forgets birthers!

    It’s a plot, I tells ya!

  9. Viadd says:

    Many global warming True Believers also see themselves as courageous underdogs fighting against a sinister agenda promoted by a corporate elite.

    Consider the accusations of secret funding by Big Oil whenever someone mentions
    the Medieval Warm Period or Little Ice Age, or who suggests that we should also look at additional non-anthropogenic causes of climate variation.

    Natural Climate Variability Deniers and Global Warming Deniers are on the same river*, just opposite banks. If you are inclined to be a wacko, you will be a wacko whatever your other beliefs are, which is why we have both wingnuts and moonbats.

    Just because you are on the right side doesn’t make you right.

    *Yes, the one in Egypt.

  10. @Runar and @Fontor I’ve read both the books, but birthers? What are they about? Hang on. Google to the rescue.

  11. Ah, okay. I knew about birthers. Just didn’t know what they were called.

  12. nina says:

    it makes sense that the deniers/conspiracy folk view themselves as heroic – after all, they tend lead such small lives and these battles are hopeless – so it removes any responsiblity for them to accomplish anything

    It’s not unlike those who fight so hard to hold the social progress line against gays – they’ve lost on every other front – but are unwilling to accept that their defeat is inevitable

  13. Nogbad the Improbable says:

    Anybody explain to me the difference, if any, between a ‘moonbat’ and a ‘wingnut’? I think we should be told. BTW, Love the strip!

  14. […] (Via dagens Jesus and Mo.) […]

  15. Gap says:

    @ Nogbad the Improbable

    I think “moonbat” is what “wingnuts” call people who hold strong opinions contrary to theirs. So for instance, a climate denying wingnut might refer to a vocal environmentalist as a moonbat.

  16. Shaughn says:

    Adding to Runar’s booklist:

    “Voodoo histories: the role of conspiracy theory in shaping modern history” by David Aaronovitch.

  17. Runar says:

    Yes – “moonbat” is what a wingnut calls a leftist and “wingnut” is what a moonbat calls a rightist.

  18. Jerry w says:

    I’m a denying denier, I don’t think anyone is denying anything, it’s just a plot fomented by….eh…. oh crap, I’ll get back to you when I figure out who is behind this.

  19. AchillesAndTortoise says:

    @Jerry w
    It’s alien lizards, all alien lizards….

  20. SOTD says:

    @Viadd – I’ve never heard anyone try to deny that there are natural sources of climate variability – only that, when these are factored into climate models, there is still a significant, anthropogenic effect.
    I *have* heard plenty of denialists try to hide behind natural variability in order to ignore anthropogenic change.

  21. Stephen Turner says:

    Very interesting. J&M regulars might also like The Denialists’ Deck of Cards, which is slanted at consumer protection type issues but some of it crosses over to the topics mentioned in the strip.

    I just heard today that Denver Airport is going to be the place from which the Illuminati take over the world. It’s all in the murals in the new building. Or something.

  22. Pappy mcfae says:

    Denialists will always exist. What makes these idiots so virulent is how willing people are to defer to them…for reasons as yet unknown. The unfortunate thing is the internet gives them a louder voice.

    Even so, isn’t it our responsibility as sentient beings to slam denialist crap wherever it exists?

    One can only deny the rattlesnake bite they just received wasn’t real for only so long. Eventually, truth breaks through denial, and the denier ends up with a pretty coffin for his trouble.

  23. Necessary Evil says:

    Join the simplified spelling society, founded in 1908, has not achieved one of its aims. Why deny it?

  24. MrGronk says:

    What I hate is when denialists call themselves sceptics.

  25. Joe Fogey says:

    Has the Is It Funny site stopped working? It keeps telling me I am unable to vote because of a network error.

    Or has it been sabotaged by an evil theist conspiracy?

  26. Maggs says:

    Mmmm, Pappy McFae aren’t we denialists from a theist point of view?

  27. Nassar Ben Houdja says:

    Will you accept carbon credits in the collection plate or as alms? How about as a contribution to hosting the website? From the sound of it these miraculous carbon credits have all ready been divided like loaves and fish, except with the carbon credits, enough to share with billions.

  28. Nassar Ben Houdja says:

    There seems to be a problem with “nearly free speech”, it only accepts cash. Maybe it can be set up to accept carbon credits, intellectual property or weasel skins?

  29. JiveKitty says:

    @Darwin Harmless: If you’re referring to the strip “Web” with your first comment, the punchline refers to the “Like” function on Facebook, whereby you register your approval by clicking a “Like” button, and also the manner of speech used in response to certain things one approves of commonly taking the form of the name of thing approved of, then adding FTW (an acronym for “Fuck the world” or “For the win”: the meaning is the same anyway) followed by an exclamation mark or exclamation marks and some form of smiley face utilising keys denoting certain characters and punctuation marks.

  30. clueless? says:

    This is W.R.T the newscientist article..
    How can it be claimed that “insisting that humans were made by divine plan” gives a “sense of control” to people? If anything, it brings about a sense of loss of control!..I may be grouped into this “denialist” bunch, but I think what they have done here is to cleverly place creationists into this group so that most of the readers, who are likely to be atheists or “sceptics”, will find it absurd to be grouped with these kind of people, which is assured if they agree to any of the other “conspiracy theories”, isn’t it? What happened to the swine flu “pandemic”? How did it die down all of a sudden? Come to think of it, what about the SARS and Bird Flu “outbreaks” which were supposed to change the course of human history? Isn’t it understandable that after many such mistakes on the part of “experts” (including the recent discreditation of the IPCC’s report about the melting of the Himalayan glaciers by 2035), many reasonable people would want to wait until they receive all the facts before rushing to judgement? I don’t disregard science entirely nor do i make use of “sciency” jargon just to deny for the sake of denial but it’s very easy to accuse someone like me of doing that. Consider that this argument can easily be turned around to accuse people who blindly accept every new disaster scenario with regards to pandemics, global warming etc. as gullible or “agreeists”, to coin a word. There are militant denialists and there are the rest of us who don’t suffer from any complex where we think of ourselves as “courageous underdogs” or any such nonsense, we just don’t want to accept a bunch of bull from either side of the divide.

  31. lol says:

    Nobody seems to have considered that panel 2 aptly describes many atheists.

  32. clueless? says:

    @lol…it can be used to describe anyone who doesn’t agree with you…anyone who “denies” the veracity of your opinion…that’s why this is an idea that’s going nowhere.

  33. Well, so much for Draw Muhammad Day on May 20. Turns out that death threats are pretty effective. Sigh.

    Here’s a link to the original idea, though it has been removed from the blog of the originator:

  34. nina says:


    no, atheist don’t see themselves as underdogs, and while the religious right’s agenda is elite and sinister, it’s not secret enough to be a conspiracy

  35. grouchy-one says:

    Happy Draw Muhammad Day everyone!

  36. Nibien says:

    “@lol…it can be used to describe anyone who doesn’t agree with you…anyone who “denies” the veracity of your opinion…that’s why this is an idea that’s going nowhere.”

    Or, you can simply not be a moron, and see that they deny actual evidence. Everything listed, from Anti-Vac, 9-11 truthers, creationists, and Global Warming deniers are always uneducated morons, fighting against those damn elites with PhDs who know what they’re talking about.

    Now, if you want to bring out a collection of fossil evidence for Jesus, as well as genetic evidence for Jesus, in order to prove he was a non-human god being, that’s fine. We do that with evolutionary biology. The fact that you don’t, well… That’s another thing all together.

  37. Crusader Rabid says:

    Meh. If you believe in “Anthropogenic” CC, as opposed to “natural” climate variations, then you must explain why you see humans as set apart from Nature.

  38. Nibien says:

    ” Meh. If you believe in “Anthropogenic” CC, as opposed to “natural” climate variations, then you must explain why you see humans as set apart from Nature.”

    I’m trying to get my head around this huge blob of stupidity.

    So, what you’re saying is, all climate change is nature based, because humans come from nature? Really?

    I guess iPods are natural too, since humans are from nature.

    And, believe it or not, things can fit in more than one category.

  39. clueless? says:

    @Nibien..”Or, you can simply not be a moron, and see that they deny actual evidence. Everything listed, from Anti-Vac, 9-11 truthers, creationists, and Global Warming deniers are always uneducated morons, fighting against those damn elites with PhDs who know what they’re talking about.”

    yes, but those “damn elites with PhDs” are proven to be wrong sometimes(as in the case of data-manipulating climate-change scientists recently, the IPCC & i don’t even want to mention Al Gore). Not everyone who disagrees with the present cause celebre is an “uneducated moron”, sometimes you have to agree that people on both sides of every argument are very likely to get carried away with their self-righteousness. So, it is always better to be sceptical,yes that dreaded word again, of every movement claiming they have a revolutionary world-changing idea. What I am trying to say is that it is too easy to say someone who doesn’t agree with you might have some psychological issues(even when they do, in some cases) but generalization is not a very scientific attitude.

  40. John Moore says:

    So here is one of those “elite with Phd’s talking about Global Cooling”. I have been surprised by the stance of most on this site. The only solution that all of this global climate change has been more taxes, and Bill Gates’ idea is to build huge ocean vessels to pump water vapor into the air to reflect UV. This is why I see this whole Global Warming thing as a religion unto itself. The attitudes of those on this site will however not stop me from loving J&M. At least we can agree that this is one of the best sites ever just surprised that Muslims haven’t figured out how to scare Author into submission…..

  41. lol says:


    panel 2 doesn’t happen to mention ‘conspiracy’, rather a sinister agenda promoted by a corrupt elite. this is definitely an oft-mentioned cry by some atheists. i think that in the narrative of an adversary pc brigade/religious establishment/insert-influential-body-here is an implicit claim of the position of the plucky frodo-esque underdog.

  42. Poweronoff says:

    So, from the existence of paranoid crackpots you deduce that the elite has no agenda?

  43. lol says:

    @Poweronoff, for whom is your comment intended?


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