
Jesus and Mo are taking the rest of August off. See you soon.

Discussion (135)¬

  1. Bahamut says:

    Wow, first post. Well, just wanted to say it will be a very long August without the wisdom and insights of religion’s funniest prophets/deity descendants.

  2. John Moore says:

    Author, I hope you enjoy your august vacation during the month of August. I so enjoy the english language. The soldier had to desert his dessert in the desert. After a number of shots the patients mouth became number. Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.

  3. MichaelSATX says:

    Have a nice VACA. Thanx for these cartoons. You rock.

  4. Bodach says:

    I may erupt into violence without the strip for a whole month! Obviously, the Author is English/European; us Merkins would never get so much time off. Have a great vacation, Author

  5. Charlie says:

    Bodach, the English work the longest hours in Europe, FYI 😉
    This comic continues to be awesome.

  6. eddyline says:

    Have a great vacation, Author! Think I’ll stew in my ochre until you start back. Maybe I’ll think of a way to be atheistically violent…of course, there’s nothing that I can think of that’s worth instigating violence over….

  7. RavenBlack says:

    The “longest hours in Europe” still average less than the hours of an equivalent US worker-drone.

  8. cina murtad says:

    longest hours in europe and us? how much is that? indonesian and mostly chinese work on saturday, chinese even don’t wanna lose the chance to acquire money on sunday!

  9. Nikolai says:

    Have a nice one, Author!

    I still hate you for having so much of it 😛

  10. Westerlyman says:

    Expect Mo is off for Ramadan.

  11. Orm says:

    Jesus and Mo on holiday, woohoo! We can all enjoy bacon butties, booze, coveting our neighbour’s ass, farting in holy places and stop feeling compelled to kill each other for the rest of the month.

  12. hyoid says:

    Well, after all those two have done for the good of society, it’s alright. They deserve it.

  13. wianac says:

    Thanks Guys. Have a Good One.

  14. Sarge084 says:

    I don’t care who works the longest hours, because my dad is bigger than your dad, so there!
    Have a great break, I don’t know how I’m going to fill the void though, not that I want you to feel guilty of course!!

  15. Stephen Turner says:

    Nice one author and enjoy them, we’re missing you already! But surely J&M don’t take time off? Where’s the theological justification for that?

  16. Dave says:

    One of the best so far. Thoroughly hilarious (in a ‘because it’s sadly true’ kinda way)

  17. kiyaroru says:

    So. What are we going to talk about whilst J&M are tanning on a beach somewhere?
    The weather?
    The Game?

  18. Scott says:

    @stephen Turner – Jesus had a 40 day “vacation” in the desert did he not?? And I’m sure Mo had a holiday at some point….

  19. David B says:

    Have a good break!

    Great one on which to leave, and you’ll still be sitting on Firefox, one click away, when you get back.

  20. flippertie says:

    this post does not exist. I am not testing to see if my gravatar works. move along now. nothing to see here.

  21. spoing says:

    Author, enjoy your hols in the anaemic English sun! And, please,

    DON’T: provoke any uncontrollable lust while you’re out there.

    DO: bring back a few new characters for us on your return. What about that raving revelationist loonie, John?

  22. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    in the name of Allah, most merciful, most forgiving :

    (63) The hypocrites fear lest a surah should be revealed concerning them, proclaiming what is in their hearts. Say: Scoff (your fill)! Lo! Allah is disclosing what ye fear.

    (64) And if thou ask them (O Muhammad) they will say: We did but talk and jest. Say: Was it at Allah and His revelations and His messenger that ye did scoff?

    (65)Make no excuse. Ye have disbelieved after your (confession of) belief. If We forgive a party of you, a party of you We shall punish because they have been guilty

    “Al-Tawbah 63-65”

  23. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    In the name of Allah, most merciful, most forgiving :

    Lo! those who malign Allah and His messenger, Allah hath cursed them in the world and the Hereafter, and hath prepared for them the doom of the disdained. (57)

    And those who malign believing men and believing women undeservedly, they bear the guilt of slander and manifest sin. (58)

    “Al-Ahzab 57-58”

  24. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:


  25. Toast in the machine says:

    So which is it, Allah is ‘most merciful’, or he has ‘cursed us in the world and the hereafter’? Can’t be both, can he?

    And thanks, I am laughing today. I laughed yesterday as well. I’ve laughed day after day over the several years I’ve been visiting this site – laughing at the barbaric absurdity of your religion. I expect to laugh at your idiot paedo prophet many more times in the future too.

    I appreciate you posting. If there’s one thing almost as funny as the strip, it’s the apoplexy of simple-minded religious maniacs.

  26. spoing says:

    @t-i-t-m : Merciful Allah! Excuse the oxymoronic exclamation, but an awful possibility just occurred to me … could it be that @islam-is-my-life is actually our good author’s alter ego when he’s on vacation????

  27. Eupraxsophy says:

    Maybe the all mighty Allah, Zesus, Christian God, Santa, Easter Bunny, and etc., will condem us all for our insults.

    Religion in and of itself is just making ones’ self ignorant. A myth is nothing more than a religion that no one believes in anymore. That is the destinations of our present religions and it’s not until people; who are insecure about their own existance, start to have an open mind and be objective and not doubtful that
    they will ever understand life itself.

  28. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    @ toast in the machine,
    So which is it, Allah is ‘most merciful’, or he has ‘cursed us in the world and the hereafter’? Can’t be both, can he?

    Allah is most merciful 2 those who regret & ask 4 forgiveness,
    but he curse those who disbelieve & die without believing
    cant’ u read again,

    (( Lo! those who malign Allah and His messenger, Allah hath cursed them in the world and the Hereafter )),

  29. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

    (28) Lo! the guilty used to laugh at those who believed,
    (29) And wink one to another when they passed them;
    (30) And when they returned to their own folk, they returned jesting;
    (31) And when they saw them they said: Lo! these have gone astray.
    (32) Yet they were not sent as guardians over them.
    (33) This day it is those who believe who have the laugh of disbelievers,
    (34) On high couches, gazing.
    (35) Are not the disbelievers paid for what they used to do? (36)


  30. Daoloth says:

    Have you any independent evidence that you are better than the rest of us atheists (charity-giving? kindness to strangers? patting dogs on the head?) or do you just have the ability to recite pious platitudes?

  31. dyl says:

    i thought he was invisible like that one time jebus faded. But it looks like he was under the covers.

  32. Toast in the machine says:

    @ IIML

    Allah is most merciful 2 those who regret & ask 4 forgiveness

    So your Allah’s mercy is conditional on people begging him not to torture them for eternity? That doesn’t sound even averagely merciful to me. I know a lot of people who offer more mercy than that. I am happy to promise you here, now, in front of witnesses that I will never torture you for eternity. Surely, that makes me more merciful than this sadistic psychopathic egomaniac you grovel to, doesn’t it? You don’t even have to tell me you believe in me.

    @Spoing – Interesting theory, but I think our revered Author (peace and SPF50 be upon him) would do a better job of testing his loyal subjects than IIML is doing.

  33. John Moore says:

    TIM : is that anyway to treat a misguided soul who has happened upon the only intelligent blog in the universe. Let’s gently enlighten him to the errors of his belief then criticize the crap out of him for haven been so foolish to begin with…

  34. John Moore says:

    Going to be a long month and a long series of postings til Author returns. Wait it will be like the second coming…..

  35. Nikolai says:


    You believe in fairy tales. If we stop mocking your fairy tales that won’t make them true. Quoting the Quaran doesn’t make it true, etc ad nauseam

    I don’t know you, and don’t particularly care if you waste your life practicing pointless rituals, but you should really think about living this life as if it were your only one – it is. Use the energy you waste on Islam to make the world a better place.

  36. Ganesh says:

    IIML, what you are saying is reminding me of something:

    “Bribery, threats and mind-numbing repetition, mainly. Seriously – how could anyone be convinced by this shtick?”

    “Believe me – it is true.”

    Oh wait, it was yesterday’s strip.

  37. Vishnu says:

    We don’t get too many of IIML’s kind on here, so as I was reading through IIML’s post – waiting for the punchline – I was thinking that he was really good at parodying the inane claptrap from the q’ran. I was quite disappointed to find out that he was just quoting the real thing.

    Maybe we should hold a ‘fake surah’ contest like the ‘bad Hemingway’ writing competition (or the Bulmer-Lytton for you Brits). Of course maybe it’s too easy, but at least it would keep us occupied until Author comes back.

  38. spoing says:

    @vishnu … great idea … though I think a “best Muhammed cartoon depiction” would be even more fun … e.g.


  39. JohnnieCanuck says:

    It’s deja vu, all over again.

    IIML only has to follow Jesus’ suggestion of increased fanaticism and threats of violence and he will have reprised the cartoon.

    It’s like the Author foretold the future. That makes him a Prophet. Of course, it all makes sense now. The reason we don’t see the Author’s image here is to prevent idolatry. Praise be upon his head. Or at least a sun hat.

  40. John Moore says:

    I know it’s not original but hey Religion has never been original…..
    So here’s my fake surah….
    (9) “And Saint Atila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying,
    ‘Oh, Lord, bless this thy hand grenade that with it thou mayest blow
    thy enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy.’ And the Lord did grin, and
    people did feast upon the lambs, and sloths, and carp, and anchovies,
    and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats, and large –“

  41. Snowflake says:

    As a big fan of this comic (“Epistemic humility is the new fundamentalism” is my Skype tagline) I would like to say: most gracious thanks to you, Author, and enjoy your vacation.

    And on a whinier note, why does the “Random Comic” feature just redirect to the newest comic every time?

  42. Bodach says:

    Spoing: very nice, made my morning.
    Snowflake: you’re hung up on the old math. Random in this case is for ‘values of random’ approaching 1.

  43. FireFox says:

    Did you get a note signed by all of us fans saying you were allowed to go on vacation? I don’t remember any permission slips passing my desk.

  44. Hobbes says:

    Islam Is My Life, you have a very insecure god. Well, actually so does Christianity–really the same god I suppose. “Love me or I will burn you forever!” Sounds like a lonely and neurotic god seriously in need of psychological counseling.

  45. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    @ Daoloth
    Have you any independent evidence that you are better than the rest of us atheists (charity-giving? kindness to strangers? patting dogs on the head?) or do you just have the ability to recite pious platitudes?

    oh no, I’ve never said , that I’m better than anybody in this whole world,
    God forbid, I doing d best I can, but I don’t judge ppl,

    I have no right 2 do so, I ‘m not sure if I’ll go 2 d heaven or hell, hereafter,
    but I’m doing my best,”God only knows”

  46. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    @ toast in the machine

    yeah Allah is most merciful 2 human beings at anytime,
    but not at d time of death or after death, so , a person can realize his mistakes & asks Allah 4 forgiviness as long he is alive,

  47. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    @ Nikolai

    You believe in fairy tales

    thanx 4 ur opinion I respect it ,
    but I’m comfortable d way I am 🙂

  48. kiyaroru says:

    2 is a numeral. To use the word “to” in a sentence type a “t” and an “o”.
    4 is also a numeral. To use the word “for” in a sentence type an “f” and an “o” and an “r”.
    People is spelled “p” “e” “o” “p” “l” “e”.
    Sentences begin with UPPER case letters.
    You’re welcome.

  49. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    @ hobbes
    Islam Is My Life, you have a very insecure god. Well, actually so does Christianity–really the same god I suppose. “Love me or I will burn you forever!”

    Pardon !!?? insecure God ???

    how can he be my God, if he is insecure !!??

    my God , i.e, Allah, is d only God, he is d creator of heavens & earth,

    d All-knowing , All-powerful , All-mighty, he is 1 , who sent his messages 2 d earth, 4 ppl, he sent Ibraheem, Jakob, Moses, Jesus , Mohamed & many other prophets & messangers (may Allah ‘s peace & blessings be upon them)

    & BTW, I’m not asking u 2 love me, I really don’t,

    also I dont’ burn anyone I’m not d Boogy Boogy 🙂
    u have ur opinion & Ihave mine, we can argue but we ‘ll still be human beings,
    thats why Allah created us differently , so we can talk & know d other

  50. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    @ kiyaroru
    thanx 4 ur typing lesson, I appreciate that 🙂
    although I ‘ll keep writing like that “personal choice” 😉

  51. John Moore says:

    @ IIML We are all fairly tolerant of each others belief systems around here. It would do you good to go to the beginning and read every strip and every comment. Most of us do not believe in any GOD much less yours, which is why you will get a lot of flack if you try to extol your(Allah’s) virtues on us.

  52. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    @ Vishnu
    I’m a girl, so plz refer 2 me as she instead of he ” thank u 🙂 “

  53. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    I know many of u guys, r atheists,


    I advice u 2 watch this video , it might answer some of ur quistions,
    cheers 🙂

  54. Necessary Evil says:

    Good cartoon. Could it be that people who aim to make Islam their life aren’t too happy about people who don’t? After all, Islam even has a word for such people: infidels. I’ve not heard anyone who aims to make Islam their life extol the benefits of being an infidel, whereas I have heard so-called infidels claim that there are benefits to not being in the thrall of a book (and associated writings) that the author here has Mohammed’s body double claim is too blatant and desperate. One of those benefits is surely to be able to think clearly, and it is the benefit of being able to think clearly that allows one to realise that violence in the name of religion is a bad idea. Many of those who are in the thrall of the Koran don’t see this, or at least, if they do, don’t see it clearly enough to act upon. Hence we have in the world today atrocities committed in the name of Islam. If all those Moslems became atheists, I think a lot of good would ensue. Fortunately we find that in 2nd and 3rd generation Moslem families in Europe, the practice of the religion frequently gets set aside as the sense resulting from having had a scientific-based education starts to prevail and, whilst the basic good moral values that are taught by all religions endure, Moslems themselves can’t help but see the common sense that is made so clear by the author of this strip. That common sense includes the denial of those aspects of Islam that encourage the persecution of the so-called infidel and women who want to drive.

  55. John Moore says:

    @IIML The main premise of this blog/discussion is to make fun of all religions. None of them can prove anything other than somehow a few people managed to make some other people believe in what they said. The following grows, the “church” forms a sort of sociatal structure. It continues to grow and begins to believe that it in itself is the one true belief system. This gets perpetuated through generations to what we have now. Several large sect of religions who individually believs that each is the “right” way. Wars are fought people are killed maimed tortured etc. in the names of these teachings. None of them can prove anything. All of these conversations boil down to each persons willingness to believe in a set of supposed truths. The key word being belief, which by its definition requires no real proof.

    I am a good person I live a good life I treat people with respect. I do not know what will happen when I cease to breath, but I would hope that whomever I encounter will appreciate the life I have chosen to live. Imagine the feeling you will have when you die and theirs a giant pig with the limbs of a fish and eyes of a pinecone and it says to you “you have not believed in me therefor you will burn in damnation forever. You reply but I believed in Allah are you not him? Nope I am “whomever” and now you must pay.

    Makes as much sense as everything else I have heard about this supposed afterlife. Once again start at the beginning and read all of the strips and all of the comments. You might be surprised. It makes as much sense as anything that we simply die with no reward whatsoever. Live good for your own sake…

  56. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    @necessary evil
    Could it be that people who aim to make Islam their life aren’t too happy about people who don’t?

    4 me no, I actually live happily as long as I’m 100% sure of my belief,
    if I’m concerned about those who don’t believe, thats because I think its kind of my duty 2 show them d truth, thats all

    its true that many horrible things r happening in d name of Islam which I disagree with but again, no generalization, i.e, if one Muslim is bad that doesn’t mean Islam or Muslims r bad, not at all,

    if d Islamic aspects applied in d real life as in d days of our prophet,d world would be perfect 2 live on ,

    BTW, Islam is not against women ‘s driving ,

  57. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    @ John Moore
    The main premise of this blog/discussion is to make fun of all religions.

    excuse me !! isn’t there any other topic 2 laugh about but “d religions & d beloved prophets” !!!??

    ((Live good for your own sake))
    well, who told u that if u worshipped d God , u won’t live 4 urself ???

    infact, I’m living 4 myself, & d best thing I can do 2 help & satisfy myself is believing in God, from that belief I’ll love myself ,my family , d whole universe,
    I ‘ll respect d other, help d orphan , poor ppl,study hard , work well, be honest, fatithful, loyal & grateful, u know 2 who ?? 2 God coz he gave me all these blessings ,& also 2 d ppl.

  58. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    @ John Moore,
    I’m 100 % sure that Allah exist, & we ‘ll all meet him in d hereafter,
    not ur a giant pig with the limbs of a fish and eyes of a pinecone ,

  59. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    @ john Moore ,
    ok I ‘ll read d strips 🙂

  60. spoing says:

    Ms @iiml – pleased to hear that you have respect for others and share many of the same values that atheists do. Have you considered that it is possible for people to cherish these values without believing in any god? What do you think about that?

    Another point – unlike Muslims, we also cherish the right of women to enjoy equal status to men in society, to have equal freedom of self-expression and access to the same educational and career opportunities, and to dress and conduct themselves as they please within normal social convention.

    What do you think about that?

  61. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    @ spoing
    these values that u r talking about is 4 d whole world ,
    all d religions r asking their followers 2 respect d other,

    about d atheists who respect d others but they don’t believe in God ,
    as I said before, I’m human being ,I’m not God , 2 tell u, where u r going in d after life ,
    but remember God didn’t create us just like that, 2 do whatever we want,

    there is a purpose 4 d creation of humans, which is believing in God, this is d main test 4 d humans,
    so believing in God & obeying his laws & rules which contains being a good person is what Allah created us 4.

  62. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    @ spoing
    about ur second quistion,
    I’m 100% with u,
    in Islam there is no difference between a male & a female, but the good deeds,
    that what makes 1 better than another 2 Allah, away from any gender, colour, nationality,,,etc

    there is a mistaken idea about d position of women in Islam,
    some ppl claim that a Muslim can’t study , can’t work, can’t choose,,which is totally wrong

    A Muslim women study, work, drive, decide, vote ,& can express herself , as d man,
    & about d point of dressing her self up, yes she can as long as she puts in mind d laws & rules of Islam, d same way as d man,

    u might say, but she must wear Hijab (i.e. scarf ) yeah we have 2 wear it but without any force,
    e,g, when I wore my Hijab, I was 15 years old , I was convinced with it, not my dad or bro have ever told me 2 wear it or not ,

    & believe me I’m very happy with it , when I go abroad some ppl might look at me in a strange way but that doesn’t matter 2 me, as long I know that I ‘m obeying Allah, coz that protects me & makes me closer 2 him.

    & this is freedom, 2 wear what I want,

    so, a women has equal rights as any man, as long as they r both following God ‘s laws

  63. spoing says:

    @IIML – thanks for your responses.

    I’d appreciate it if you would take the time to read the following carefully, and respond only after you have done so.

    I am entirely aware of the fact that not ALL muslim women are oppressed.

    Also, I agree with you that it could be argued that Islam (the religion) DOES assert the equality of women to men, in just the same way that Christians argue from scripture “there is neither jew nor gentile, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus”. It all hinges on interpretation.

    However, in practice, certain Muslim communities DO oppress women. Not all communities are as tolerant as yours is.

    Are you aware of the extent of this oppression, and do you acknowledge that it occurs?

    I have lived in several countries, including middle eastern countries, where many women experience discrimination due to their gender.

    I would recommend that you read the following articles and do some further research on the subject, then come back and rejoin the discussion:

    1. http://www.islamfortoday.com/ummzaid06.htm

    2. http://www.frontpagemag.com/readArticle.aspx?ARTID=28572

    3. A book I would recommend to you is “Infidel” by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. It is a woman’s personal account of the brutality she experienced growing up as a Somali Muslim.

  64. Toast in the machine says:

    Islam Is My Life, you have a very insecure god. Well, actually so does Christianity–really the same god I suppose. “Love me or I will burn you forever!” Sounds like a lonely and neurotic god seriously in need of psychological counseling.

    Pardon !!?? insecure God ???
    how can he be my God, if he is insecure !!??
    my God , i.e, Allah, is d only God, he is d creator of heavens & earth,
    d All-knowing , All-powerful , All-mighty, he is 1 , …

    @IIML – I’m trying to understand your answer to Hobbes’s question. The point Hobbes was trying to make (apologies Hobbes, if I’m mistaking you), is that your god – as you put it, IIML – demands that people believe in and love him, otherwise he will torture them for eternity. (I made the point that that is not even a little bit merciful and you didn’t answer, but I’ll leave that for the moment.)

    He wants people to accept him as god.

    He threatens to cause them unimaginable, endless suffering if they do not accept him as god.

    If both of those things are true, how can he be a) merciful, and b) secure?

    If a being is secure, it does not care what other people think about it, yet your god will torture people for ever if they do not say they love him. That means he cannot be secure and he is not merciful.

    Do you understand that?

    @ John Moore
    The main premise of this blog/discussion is to make fun of all religions.

    excuse me !! isn’t there any other topic 2 laugh about but “d religions & d beloved prophets” !!!??

    Yes, IIML, there are lots of topics to laugh about. If you look around the internet you will find hundreds of websites and blogs laughing about other things, without much effort. This website is called ‘Jesus and Mo’, and its explicit purpose is to take the piss out of two of the most vile and obnoxious belief systems in the world today: christianity and islam. That’s what it’s here for – the clue is in the title.

  65. Daoloth says:

    @I_I_M_L. Thanks for the reply. Here’s the problem. In the absence of such independent evidence of worldy goodness no atheist wants to buy what you are selling.
    This may come as a shock but we atheists do not look at you theists enviously thinking “gosh, how could I be as good as those people- how is such love possible on this sub-luminary sphere?”
    Usually we are thinking something like “Why is it that these characters are only even noticeable when they are getting together to condemn, threaten or just outright attack?”
    BTW- do not feel I am singling out Islam here- any theism will do.
    When a new author tries to write a novel/short story they usually get back loads of editoral comments on their first piece saying “show, don’t tell”.
    The author wants to give loads of narration but a much more effective way to communicate is to develop character through demonstrations of action.
    You can see where I am going with this can’t you?
    Repetitions of peity and references to a world beyond this one don’t cut it.
    Be good here and now to real people who exist here and now and maybe, just maybe if you impress us, we will listen to your reasons for doing so.

  66. John Moore says:

    This IIML is almost as much fun fun as that A Christian fellow that we thrashed to peices a few months ago…….Gotta love the followers…

  67. Necessary Evil says:

    @IIML: I’m 100 % sure that Allah exist[s]
    Would that that were so. Doubt, or apostasy, is punishable in Islam by death (though the scripture doesn’t say who needs to carry it out, so there’s no one in non-Islamic countries to carry out the death sentence except people’s close families, and this does happen in the UK, more likely though when a woman decides to choose whom to marry, in obscene ‘honour’ killings). I have a problem understanding the meaning of the word “belief” if that in which one claims to believe says that you deserve to die should you cease to believe in it. Therefore a self-proclaimed Muslim cannot say anything other than “I’m 100 % sure that Allah exist[s]”. I would have about as much confidence in the veracity of such a statement as I would about any witness in a court who had been got at and intimidated. That’s what’s so sad about Islam in that the mere discussion of the possibility of doubt in the existence of its ‘god’ is so taboo that it isn’t possible for so-called believers to articulate anything thoughtful that they might have to say about it.

    I am 99.99999999999999999999% (or thereabouts) certain that Allah doesn’t exist, but I can’t be certain because that would be daft, implying that I had a closed mind.

  68. MyCatIsGod says:

    Troll, troll, troll…

  69. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    @ Spoing,

    thanx 4 d links, I’ve read them,

    as I said before, I’m not with generalizations,

    Muslims r humans 2, so they make mistakes ,committe crimes & sins,
    so if 1 Muslim opressed his wife, that doesn’t necessary mean that prophet Mohamed (peace pe upon him) asked us 2 do so,
    on d contrary, in his last words 2 d Muslims before he die, was take care of women,,,,

    many ppl interpret Islam as they want, & do horrible things,
    but remember in all d countries there r ppl who kill & murder,

    but its because of d media, that there is a huge scope on Muslims, right ???

    u may look & say oh, is this Islam, that Muslims claim 2 call it peaceful religion !!!!

  70. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    @ tost in the machine,

    yeah I got u wrong at first,
    but I understand ur point now,

    I’d like 2 clear an important point first,

    yeah as I said Allah is most merciful, & he created humans 4 worshipping,

    ok,about d “insecure” point,i.e, u must love God or he ‘ll burn u in d hell,

    remember that Allah doesn’t need our worship, infact we need him.
    he is d All-mighty, if we didn’t believe in him , that wouldn’t harm him & make him insecure, he created us in d first place & he has Angels who praise him every day & night

    & if he wants , he can desroy us all & create beings who worship him without any other choice ,,

    also if he wants , he can make us all believers, u , me , d whole universe,
    BUT again d purpose is like a test , 2 know d believer from d disbeliever,

    got me ???

  71. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    @ tost in the machine

    well said, I agree that there r hundreds of topics 2 laugh about,,
    & apparently most of u r atheists, so
    1stly, why u don’t respect those who believe in these prohpets, by trying 2 offend them by these cartoons,,

    & 2ndly, why 2 bother urself 2 talk about things that u think “imaginary & doesn’t exist” ??? I wonder why ???

  72. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    @ Daoloth,

    I’m not here 2 make u feel impressed or shocked of me,
    I’m just expressing myself & my opinion,
    I’m doing my best 2 be a good person not 4 anyone but 4 Allah 1st & myself second

  73. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    @ necessary evil
    thers is nothing 2 feel sad about in Islam, masha’Allah, its perfect,

    on d contrary, Islam answers d quistions that concerns human beings, with evidence, & proofs,,

    again I’m 100% sure that Allah exists, more than I’m sure that I’m writing 2 u now,
    also, I consider everything in my life possible & maybe true,
    while d most certain thing is d exist of Allah ….

  74. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    @ John Moore,,
    I hate d use of trashing into pieces, in conern of sb,
    coz we r not in war, we r civilized ppl, who talk 2 know d other,
    without any winning or lost,,,

  75. John Moore says:

    @IIML that last statement is not true because you feel like you must try to convert me/us to your way of thinking. Fortunately for us that is impossible. Try as you might we are as sure of our belief in no god whatsoever as you are of your beleif in Islam. Me must therefore agree to disagree on the subject.

  76. Daoloth says:

    @IIML. Oh but I beg leave to disagree- you ARE here to show off.
    You started off by referring us infidels to a whole load of sugestions on how we should live. Any religion that is agnostic about how we should live is no religion at all. Yours is no exception.
    I asked for your authority for saying these things.
    You have none but for a book who’s only claim to veracity is to repeatedly say “what I tell you over and over is true”. This does not satisfy.
    I asked if there are independent reasons for thinking that the pious are better than the atheists. If anything the evidence (mixed as it is) points the opposite way.
    So I refer you to my initial question- why should we buy what you are selling?
    More directly- what can you show us of the faithful that will make us want to be like them? Are you happier, better, kinder, cleverer as a result?
    This is really just a version of something Plato pointed out long before the particular bill of goods you have been peddling was even a glimmer in the prophet’s eye:
    Is something good because god wills is or does god will it because it is good? If the former- god is arbitary, if the latter, god is unnecessary.
    Neither prospect makes us want to worship.

  77. John Moore says:

    I wonder what the record is for most comments for a single strip? I am sure that this one will be ginormous after a whole month away. I can barely keep the spittle off my chin as it is….

  78. Toast in the machine says:

    but I understand ur point now,.
    I wish that were true IIML, but you demonstrate that you don’t.

    You’ve said again that allah is ‘most merciful‘. To show mercy means to avoid hurting someone when you have the opportunity to do so. As you say again, big Al will ‘burn u in d hell‘ if you don’t love him. He has the power not to hurt people, but according to you, tortures billions of people for ever. That is not merciful.

    Either your god is merciful and doesn’t torture people;
    He tortures people, and is not merciful.

    Only one of those statements can be true.

    I’m glad you have conceded that he is insecure. The next step for you to try to understand is how that contributes to how immoral and ugly he seems to normal people.
    (It’s also worth noting that a being who is ‘perfect‘ as you say, cannot be insecure, and cannot want anything. If it’s perfect, it cannot be improved. Again, it’s one or the other.)

    why don’t you respect…
    You really aren’t thinking very hard are you? Read the cartoons – their purpose is to show the flaws in religions. We don’t respect people who make such stupid choices. Who chose to believe idiotic, illogical, barbaric and immoral things. That is the point of this website.

    Respect has to be earned, and believing in ugly, absurd things like islam is not a good way of earning respect.

    On the other hand, what if I promise to stop offending you by criticising your religion, in return for you not offending me by believing in it? Deal?

  79. spoing says:

    @IIML – let’s save space and limit ourselves to just ONE point and try to debate that alone. Once we’ve resolved that, we can move on.

    On the one hand, the Quran says that Allah is merciful. On the other, it says that if we do not recognize him as the one true god, we will burn in hell.

    Let’s use an analogy.

    If I as your parent claim to be merciful, but beat you mercilessly if you fail to recognize that I am your parent – does that or does that not contradict my claim that I am merciful?

  80. Rosemarie says:

    Dear IIML, you say:

    “………if I’m concerned about those who don’t believe, thats because I think its kind of my duty 2 show them d truth, thats all…”

    I am concerned that you should feel concerned about me. Please don’t be. I don’t need to be told your truth. I know the truth: there is no god, not in Islam, Christianity, Judaism or any fancy religion.

  81. Necessary Evil says:

    @IIML. It’s sad for me (and I think for many people who believe humans should allow each other freedom to think) that a Moslem who says he or she beileves does so in regard to a religion that says one should be executed for not believing. Maybe Allah makes you believe – even sadder. I believe something if the evidence points to it being true, not because someone tells me to or makes me do so. When you say you are 100% certain of Allah’s existence, i’m afraid I can’t believe you, firstly because there isn’t, in my view, enough evidence for Allah’s existence – so your certainty must, in my view, be based on fallacies – and secondly (sadly) because you have to say that, don’t you?

    A famous British author, Salman Rushdie, was sentenced to death by a powerful Moslem leader for writing a fictitious book in which doubt was expresssed about Allah’s existence. Since Rushdie’s parents were Moslems and therefore he was deemed to be one also (he had no choice in that) a Moslem leader in another country felt it was legitimate to call for other Muslims to murder him. That’s sad.

    Now tell me that the Ayatollah Khomenei belonged to a sect of Islam that you don’t agree with, IIML, and I’ll tell you, no, there is only one Islam, according to Islam.

  82. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    I’m not showing off or sth,why I ‘d do that,
    I’m already a Muslim, but I’m trying 2 figure out, why would sb,
    Disbelieve & then regret, I ‘m trying 2 help u , otherwise I’d go &
    Do sth 4 myself rather than writing 4 u , right ??

  83. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    So, @ Daoloth :

    2 answer ur quistion about d happier, kinder ,better person ,
    is an individual matter, depending on what measurements u r talking about,
    it’s a worldy matter,
    but d difference between a believer & a disbeliever, is that d 1st person,
    is comfortable & know what will happen after death, he knows that there
    ‘s a watching God , coz this belief is sth I can’t explain by words, when u know that everything has a purpose u ‘ll be satisfied by Allah ‘s wisdom,

    e,g, when I (as a believer) lose a close person,
    I ‘ll feel sad , but also at d same moment I ‘ll be satisfied that this is God ‘s will, & if I ‘ll be patient Allah will reward me in d heaven by meeting that person again, & I ‘ll know that this is God ‘s wisdom, & eventually we will all die one day,

    But I imagine a disbeliever who lost a close person 2, he ‘ll start asking question like , why we die, why young , where he ‘ll go, what if there is a God, why me ,why my life is sad , & he ‘ll be depressed ,,,,,etc

    Got me ????

  84. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    Ok I know u don’t want any evidences from d afterlife ,
    coz u consider it as ((imaginary)),
    & u must prefer science,
    & I ‘d like 2 ask u, a personal question , how old r u ??
    have u ever in your whole life thought about this life ??
    do u think we came from d sky or just like that ???
    have u travelled abroad 2 see what happened 2 d civilization who disbelieved in God ??
    do u know what happened 2 them ??? see d Pharaohs in Egypt, read their story , do u know that they disbelieved in Moses (peace be upon him), do u know why they built d Pyramids??

    Coz their leader “Pharaoh”, claimed 2 his ppl that he is a God, & wanted 2 build a tall pyramids 2 see “Moses” ‘s God ??(pbuh) ,
    Have u read d Holy Qur’an ??? do u know that it was here more than 1400 years ago, & since then, not even 1 single word or letter have changed, ??
    Do u know its full of scientific miracles, some of them have been discovered while many didn’t ???

    1_Do u know in The Holy Quran states in one of its Holy verses that ( iron ) we send down from high skies , i.e, it is not formed in the ground . That what science has aleady discovered . Let’s read this short verse .
    God says in the Holy Quran what means
    “And We sent down iron in which there lies great force and which has many uses for mankind…. (Surat al-Hadid: 25)

    Modern astronomical findings have disclosed that the metal of iron found in our world has come down from the giant stars in outer space

    2_Also, Description of the sequence of embryonic stages:

    “And We placed him (i.e. man) as a sperm-drop
    In a firm lodging (i.e. the womb)
    Then We made the sperm-drop
    Into a clinging clot, and We made
    The clot into a lump (of flesh),
    And We made (from) the lump, bones,
    And We clothed the bones with flesh;
    Then We developed him into
    Another creation. So blessed is
    God, the Best of creators.”

    In the preface of the book “The developing human“, by Dr. Keith Moore, of Canada, it is mentioned that the description of the Qur’an of the embryonic stages is astonishingly accurate!

    & many other miracles, I advice u 2 look & search,

  85. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    @ toast in the machine

    Well, 1st of all, I’ve never said that Allah is insecure, “God forbid !!”

    2ndly, again Allah is All-merciful, but u can’t compare his mercy 2 humans,
    He gives u d choice & u decide, 2 believe or 2 disbelieve & each choice has a different result, punishment or reward,

    U can’t disbelieve & then ask 4 mercy on d judgment day, u can ask mercy now but not when its too late, when u see d heaven & hell , u start crying & calling 4 mercy !!!!
    So if that so , why some ppl would worship Allah & some don’t ,,
    & then they all go 2 heaven ??? where is d justice,,
    U do sins & be equal 2 those who do good deeds,

    & about d second section of ur reply, which shows a great “respect” from u towards me ,
    I ‘d ignore it & pretend that I didn’t read it,
    Allah will defend himself , Islam & me in d hereafter,
    so prepare ur answers from now,

  86. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    @ spoing,
    A parent is merciful 2 his children, but he beat them if they did wrong , 2 show them d right track
    Coz he is concerned about them & their lives, d parent here might need d love & affection of his children,
    But we can’t put that rule on God, coz we r d 1 who need his blessings, & we have d choice 2 make,,,

  87. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    @ necessary evil,

    any Muslim who doubts even 1%, about d exist of Allah, or become an etheist,
    must be excuted, because religion is not a game , one day u want 2 be a Muslim, another day u change ur mind,
    this is not acceptable, this is d rules,,

    don’t feel sad about me, d only thing that makes me write here is coz I feel sad & pity about u ppl, WAKE UP,

    although I’m not forcing anybody 2 convert 2 Islam, I’m just warning u,

    In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

    (20) Remind them, for thou art but a remembrancer,
    (21) Thou art not at all a warder over them.
    (22) But whoso is averse and disbelieveth,
    (23) Allah will punish him with direst punishment.
    (24) Lo! unto Us is their return
    (25) And Ours their reckoning. (26)

    Al-Ghashiya (20-26)

  88. ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:

    ok, I did what I thought I have 2 do,
    but now I ‘ll leave u, coz I ‘ve already spent 2 much time here,
    after a week, Ramadan will come 🙂
    happy Ramadan 2 all of u, if u don’t mind,

    if u want 2 contact me , here is my e-mail
    rosella_princess@ yahoo.com,,

    it was nice 2 talk 2 u,
    & sorry if I hurted anyone of u ,

    peace on u all 😀

  89. John Moore says:

    IIML The biggest problem here is that there are many varied sects of Islamic belief. THat in itself should show that there is a problem with the religious doctrine. When a girl in Morrocco gets raped she is stoned to death. Thanks Allah for making her such a beatiful women that a man would want to rape her. The fact that terrorist bombings in the name of Allah are not vehemently put down by the rest of the Islamic beleivers is also something so vile as to make your religion not even worthy of consideration.

    I am 41 years old I have traveled half way around the world and have meet with peoples of various religious backgrounds. I have read parts of the Bible, Quran, studied Bhuddism, Wiccanism, Mysticism, Judiasm. It has only reinforced my belief that you are all wrong! I speak for everyone hear in that please stop trying to SAVE, HELP, CONVERT us. We know what we beleive as much as know what you beleive. Once again lets agree to disagree.

    Please enjoy the comedy of this site and by the way buy one of the coffee cups……

  90. Steve in MI says:

    Shorter John Moore: enjoy the show; tip your waitstaff! 🙂

  91. Steve in MI says:

    In the name of IIRL’s god and his prophet, Muslims maim, kill, and oppress. Sounds no better or worse than any of the other major Abrahamic interpretations of god, or the followers thereof.

  92. frenzie says:

    IIML is the perfect example of how religion can destroy one’s intellect as well as morality, since obviously she thinks killing people is perfectly OK if they change their mind about religion.
    She herself thinks she’s a good moderate person and then writes monstrocities like this: “any Muslim who doubts even 1%, about d exist of Allah, or become an etheist,
    must be excuted, because religion is not a game , one day u want 2 be a Muslim, another day u change ur mind,
    this is not acceptable, this is d rules,,”

    and then has the nerve to write “peace on u all :D”

    how will we ever have peace with you (or with the likes of you) when obviously you think it’s OK to kill even your own people if they leave religion???

  93. EdoI says:

    Why aren’t there any more comics?

  94. Toast in the machine says:

    I realise this is probably pointless, as even if you do read this, you don’t seem to have the ability to understand, but I have a few minutes spare so…

    Well, 1st of all, I’ve never said that Allah is insecure, “God forbid !!”

    Yet you wrote this:
    ok,about d “insecure” point,i.e, u must love God or he ‘ll burn u in d hell,

    Do you understand how that does show that you agree your god is insecure? You’ve actually typed the words out: u… must… love… God… or… he ‘ll… burn… u… in… d… hell

    2ndly, again Allah is All-merciful, but u can’t compare his mercy 2 humans,
    He gives u d choice & u decide, 2 believe or 2 disbelieve & each choice has a different result, punishment or reward,

    So you admit that allah tortures people when he has the power not to, which makes him a merciless sadist, but try to get out of it by saying that for him, the word ‘Mercy’ has a different meaning. In fact, for your god, ‘mercy’ actually means the opposite of what it means for normal people, ie, that big Al can pour molten lead down peoples’ throats for eternity, and still think of himself as a good guy instead of a sadistic maniac.

    You can only call allah merciful by twisting the meaning of ‘mercy’ 180 degrees, to mean its opposite.

    U can’t disbelieve & then ask 4 mercy on d judgment day,

    … no, of course I can’t. Because there isn’t one.

    u can ask mercy now but not when its too late, when u see d heaven & hell , u start crying & calling 4 mercy !!!!
    So if that so , why some ppl would worship Allah & some don’t ,,
    & then they all go 2 heaven ???

    So you believe that even if someone is a good person, lives their entire life selflessly, helping others, being kind and considerate, if they don’t believe in your god, he will torture them for eternity in hell?

    Do you have any idea of right and wrong, or what morality means?

    where is d justice,,
    U do sins & be equal 2 those who do good deeds,

    So according to you, doing good things but not believing in allah means you go to hell, but doing evil things and saying you believe in allah means you go to paradise? How is that moral?
    You can do as many evil things as you like, as long as you say ‘sorry al, I don’t know what got into me’, and you’ll get paradise?
    Your belief system sounds evil.

    & about d second section of ur reply, which shows a great “respect” from u towards me ,
    I ‘d ignore it & pretend that I didn’t read it,

    I would guess it makes no difference either way. I’m sure you weren’t able to understand it to begin with.

    Allah will defend himself , Islam & me in d hereafter,
    so prepare ur answers from now,

    Really, no. There is no ‘hereafter’; there is no allah; islam is just a bad dream. You die, you rot. That’s all.

  95. Daoloth says:

    Blimey. If author does not come back soon this site is going to turn into a therapy session!
    I can’t talk for others I_I_M_L but a basic problem a number of atheists have is probably one not accesible to reason.
    Here it is…
    drum roll…
    The world does not look like a loving and just place to us.
    It just doesnt. It doesnt feel like that to us. Good people die young and in pain. Horrible people live long happy lives and die surrounded by adoring fans.
    Some people want to say “do something about this now” (atheists)
    Others say “Ah, but REALLY it is just and good. Just not in any way you can see. Or feel. Or detect in any way but wishful thinking”
    Perhaps this is the problem- we are just talking past each other. No amount of “no…really…there really is a good guy in charge and it’ll all turn out ok for the good folk” is going to convince us.
    Its not just that we don’t believe in god- we DONT CARE. Even if God exists it is blatantly obvious that God is clearly doing NOTHING in this world. Her existence or otherwise is utterly unimportant to anything morally serious.
    The world obviously does not look like that to you. This is why we find it hard to find common ground.

  96. Daoloth says:

    @I_IM_L: I have to ask- did the world always seem like that to you or did it come at a certain stage? Did anything precipitate this? Some people (unkind ones on this very site perhaps?) will tell you that you are dumb but I have met too many intelligent theists to believe that you believe what you believe because of stupidity. It is too simplistic to think that. Something makes you ready to believe in things you cannot see, and in fact contradict the things you see, and I would love to know what.

  97. spoing says:

    @Daoloth – sir – my guess is that IIML is a well-meaning, devout Muslim teenage girl or thereabouts. She believes what she believes not so much because of stupidity as plain old juvenile naivete. With any luck, she will grow up and become as disillusioned and cynical as the rest of us 🙂 In the meantime, I suppose we should let her enjoy her sweet girlish fantasies of a world in which Allah loves us all and treats us all fairly.

  98. azurefrog says:

    @spoing – My guess is that IIML is a poe, but then I’ve long since finished my growing up to become disillusioned and cynical… 😛

  99. Necessary Evil says:

    IIML, you carefully don’t address yourself to the points I make about what a sad force Islam is in the world. It would be nice to know why you think changing your mind about something, if you think you were wrong about it, is indicative of some form of game playing rather than a sign of maturity. I’d say that saying you are 100% certain of something that I believe must be based on fallacies is the sort of thing you’d do if you were playing a game – a game of ‘let’s pretend’ as it’s known to children. Here’s something the Nobel prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman wrote about god:

    “God was invented to explain mystery. God is always invented to explain those things that you do not understand. Now, when you finally discover how something works, you get some laws which you’re taking away from God; you don’t need him any more. But you need him for the other mysteries. So therefore you leave him to create the universe because we haven’t figured that out yet; you need him for understanding those things which you don’t believe the laws will explain, such as consciousness, or why you only live to a certain length of time — life and death — stuff like that. God is always associated with those things that you do not understand. Therefore I don’t think that the laws can be considered to be like God because they have been figured out.”

    Feynman exclaimed delight throughout his life about the wonders of nature and had great purpose in his life from quests to unravel some of the intricate mysteries of science. He is, in my, view a brilliant example of an un-cynical undisillusioned free-thinking human being.

    I’m sure you can point to many contemporary Muslims who are leaders in their field and who will perhaps help to bring about peace in the world or help solve some of the many problems confronting humanity. Who are they, by the way? I think we need to be told.

  100. pikeamus says:

    I’m impressed you guys even engaged with IIML for so long. I can’t bear reading such compressed communication, it breaks the flow of reading far too much when you have to stop and figure out what word some combination of letters and numbers is meant to be.

  101. Alan Bombria says:

    Typing messages in a forum in “text speak” makes baby Mohammed cry.

  102. John Moore says:

    I think that guy a Christian only stuck it out for two days. Lets hope IIML continues to try and convert us for longer than that.

  103. FireFox says:

    if you stop feeding it, it will leave

  104. kiyaroru says:

    Amen, sibling.

  105. Necessary Evil says:

    Never say that atheists don’t care deeply about their cherished unbelief. Here we tend quite quickly to see off anyone who tries to beguile us with silly ideas that aren’t funny.

  106. Rosemarie says:

    I don’t think IIML is a teenage girl. I think she is a 40 something woman. What she goes on about sounds so familiar to me; I have heard it all before: the science that is contained in the Qr’an etc. etc. Dearest IIML, please put me out of my misery, give us your proper first name or at least the first letter, min fadlik.

  107. kiyaroru says:

    if you stop feeding it, it will leave!!!!

  108. spoing says:

    @azurefrog – If she is a poe (what does that actually stand for?? parody-of-???), she’s had a pretty good run here. Personally I think there’s something too authentically naive about her style – she’s the real thing.

  109. KrateKraig says:

    The Random Comic button is not working. 🙁

  110. KrateKraig says:

    It’s working again.

  111. azurefrog says:

    @spoing – Poe isn’t an acronym, the term comes from Poe’s Law:

  112. Tie says:

    “ISLAM IS MY LIFE says:
    August 11, 2009 at 11:27 pm
    Islam Is My Life: said,
    in Islam there is no difference between a male & a female, but the good deeds,
    that what makes 1 better than another 2 Allah, away from any gender, colour, nationality,,,etc”

    Are you sure about that? Have you read the Quran, from the same religion you claim is your life?

    4:34 Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.

    2:223 Your wives are a tilth for you, so go into your tilth when you like, and do good beforehand for yourselves, and be careful (of your duty) to Allah, and know that you will meet Him, and give good news to the believers.

    In Islamic law, Sharia, women are worth 1/2 as witnesses in a law court.
    In Islamic law, Sharia, women inherit 1/2 compared to men.

    you are delusional, if you believe that Islam considers women and man equal. (Specially sad since you said that you are a woman yourself)

    wake up, and free yourself from bronze age dogmas. A man said that he could talk to god… and you believe it 1600 years later? why?
    Why doesn’t god talk you or me or everyone else in their heads, like it did to mohammed?
    why mohammed married Ayesha, at the age of six?
    why mohammed lead an army, and dictated that who leaves Islam shall be punished by death?

    how can you claim to hold any truth when leaving the religion carries a death sentence?

  113. Atheismo says:

    Most. Comments. Ever?

  114. John Moore says:

    Oopppps we ground up another one…..

  115. John Moore says:

    It’s official smallest posting on Jesus and Mo -2 largest 115 and counting….Praise be on to Author….(genuflect, respectfully)…

  116. cina murtad says:

    hey, we’re waiting for another jesus n mo here 😀 i’m heart brokened, hurting inside and i sooo need jesus so very much!

  117. John Moore says:

    This is as close to hell as I ever want to get. I can’t imagine no more Jesus and Mo. I have given burnt offerings unto Author, sacrifices have been made, prayers have been given and for what? Still gotta wait til Sept.

  118. andrea says:

    The Author will only have him/herself to blame if we all turn to god in their absence. A couple more weeks of this and we’ll all be babbling morons 🙁

  119. bossykate says:

    I love the comments here, particularly in these difficult days of Author’s silence, and really want to read the previous ones for this strip (esp IIML + replies), but can’t seem to access them. Any hints anyone?

  120. Stephen Turner says:

    O Author, where art thou?

    John Moore says that he has tried praying to Author, without effect so far (as far as we know).

    What about augmenting the force of our petition by collective action (ie synchronised praying)? Would it be any good in the Olympics?

    I propose that from 1200 to 1201 GMT Wednesday 26, we all implore Author to show us mercy by decreeing that August is over and that J&M are back to work.

  121. John Moore says:

    @bossykate just above where you enter your Name you will see a link to previous comments. If you think these are good you should try and read some older posts as well. Good luck and hope you hold out for J&M’s epic return (the second coming?)

  122. Captain Arse says:

    I’ve read the entire back catalogue of Jesus & Mo and am anxiously awaiting updates. I’ll be glad to join in the joint prayer session on the 26th.

    Are we praying to Zeus or Apollo?

  123. bossykate says:

    Thanks John Moore, I will keep faith and pray for the merciful Author to rise again…….

  124. Poor Richard says:

    Hey folks, cut Author her/his break. This is difficult and dangerous work. Go back and read previous strips; you’ll find much you’ve missed, Poor Richard says.

  125. Uncle Roger says:

    I know that the author, perhaps more than any of us, deserves his/her holiday. That, of course, does not make it any easier for the rest of us.

    Personally, I am eagerly awaiting the second coming of Jesus (and Mo).

  126. spoing says:

    Thanks @azurefrog for educating me there. The rationalwiki page wouldn’t load but urban dictionary was just as helpful. I don’t think IIML is a poe personally.

    While author is out I think we should come up with ideas for how he can make the strip even more outrageous/hilarious. There are so many characters he could be introducing for comic effect … bring on Satan for Christ’s sake ! >8-)

  127. Daoloth says:

    @azurefrog. Thanks for that link, and the extra time I wasted following up all the related hyperlinks!
    I believe you might have solved the whole issue of relgious argument. As soon as the argument goes bad they “hang lampshade on it”. Thus, our drawing attention to the suspension of disbelief issues in their arguments (God is mysterious” “God is ineffable”) is pointless. Its something that they already have anticipated. I think a similar move is made by:
    1) Post-modernists when they “problematise” (ie are forced to admit they are talking crap)
    2) Racists/sexists, who announce their ism by saying “I’m not racist(sexist) ..but…” and then go on to say someting ghastly
    3) I once worked in a prison where there was a rule about not putting your feet on the seats in an interview area. Someone announced “I am not putting my feet on the seat” and then put their feet on the seat. At the time I was surprised…but now…
    I think its like a magic spell. If you say the magic words then somehow rules don’t apply.

  128. John Moore says:

    @ Daoloth I too have wondered about the plethora of characters available for Author (in his infinite wisdom) to chose from. Among the obvious Satan, Gaia, the Easter bunny and most importantly (drum roll please)…..Joseph Smith, Jr.

  129. Adam Tjaavk says:

    First frame typo – ‘is’ should be ‘as’.


  130. Dom Hyde says:

    I don’t want IIML to leave us – I enjoy playing with my food…

    She say’s “have u travelled abroad 2 see what happened 2 d civilization who disbelieved in God ??” And cites Pharonic Egypt (although presumably any ‘dead’ civilization would do). Has she ever been to the Middle East, once the birthplace of many mighty empires? Does she know that Islam spread from there and once supported a civilization that reached from Spain to Indonesia? Has she looked at the Moslem world recently, and compared it to the (largely Christian) West? If I was a Christian, that’s the first counter argument I would deploy. If successful civilization is to be a measure of holiness, then your ‘God’ has evidently forsaken your people, Bride of the Prophet.

    With respect to execution of apostates, IIML also gives us the benefit of Al-Ghashiya (20-26)

    20) Remind them, for thou art but a remembrancer,
    (21) Thou art not at all a warder over them.
    (22) But whoso is averse and disbelieveth,
    (23) Allah will punish him with direst punishment.
    (24) Lo! unto Us is their return
    (25) And Ours their reckoning. (26)

    So what’s with all the killing? Can’t you leave your ‘God’ to sort out the sinners? Is he considered so incapable that human intercessionaries have to do his dirty work for him, even though he expressly asked them not to (though art not at all a warder over them… Allah will punish him)?

    I don’t expect I’ll get an answer, though. Her last post read like a “goodbye forever” note pinned to the open back door 🙂

  131. fenchurch says:

    IIML really confuses me with their Artist-Formerly-Known-as-Prince-style of writing.
    Is this how Allah (Peanut Butter Upon Him!) sorts the infidel from the mindless drone?

    Or does one need to have the mind of a semi-literate teenager to accept claims wholesale from old books?

  132. Acolyte of Sagan says:

    I found IIML’s posts utterly disturbing. My wife and I were foster carers for many years, and one thing we never could get used to was seeing children so utterly crushed into submission that they dare not speak against their abusers, often violently defending them; either by flat-out denial of abuse, or by ‘justifying’ it in terms of ‘love’ and ‘loyalty’ – even insisting that they were willing participants or ‘deserved’ the punishments and abuses: anything but incur the wrath of their oppressors.
    Sound familiar? Shame this is too late for that poor woman to read, it may have planted a seed, stranger things have happened at sea.

  133. Hans Marqvardsen says:

    Uncanny actuality today, considering Putins SMO in Ukraine

  134. Hans Marqvardsen says:

    Uncanny actuality today, considering Putins SMO in Ukraine.


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