
Newspapers reprint Mohammed cartoon.

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Discussion (34)¬

  1. Chris says:

    Here’s what I don’t understand: Some Danish guy draws a cartoon associating Mo with terrorism – there are world-wide riots, deaths, flag burnings and murder plots from the Islamic world.

    Some arab guy kills thousands of people in a terrorist attack and associates it with Islam – not a squeak from assembled god botherers.

    Priorities, anyone?

  2. Mark Whyles says:

    Brilliant! I’d like that last frame as a t-shirt please.

  3. Mythbuster says:


  4. Poor Richard says:

    Metacomic! “Religion is not funny” is funny is funny is funny >phip<

    Po’ Richard wonders what effect it might have to drop cartoon fliers over
    the cities of Islam, or maybe Huckabee caricatures over the hamlets of Kansas and Alabama. Perhaps we would hear short fuses sizzling, raging hearts a-burstin’, rioters melting away in their own heat.

    God must be good–without It, we wouldn’t have “Jesus and Mo”!

  5. Poor Richard says:

    JohnnyC and Hobbes: ’twas John Barth of “Goat-Boy” fame floored me with this oldie’s many possibilities. One of his is “Proctology recapitulates hagiography.” Now, that’s funny.

    The inaccuracy of the adage helps generate spin-offs. We could have a contest.

  6. jONES. says:

    there ought to be a limit on how much effort you’re allowed to put into trying to make yourself sound cool…

    SPEAK ENGLISH Richard!

  7. Poor Richard says:

    Hey, Jones, you got the wrong guy–I am a language saint. For 35 years I fought tooth and nail to get students to write precise, terse, plain English.
    Couldn’t teach anybody to spell, but that’s another story.

    All these jokes around Haeckel’s little poetic gesture focus on the obscurity of
    such phrasing. What, your mother never made you transportalize the encapsulated effluvia or rectify the chaotic topography of your personal

    After all, everyone knows that ornithology recapitulate scientology, no?

    In this comic, Mo is simply inventing another word to obscure his own silliness. He flunks my course. Watch some Xians debate predestination some time, if you haven’t had that pleasure already. Phonetically, it’s a great choice on the artist’s part, eh?

  8. […] hat natürlich promt und gekonnt reagiert: (Bild: […]

  9. Trevor says:

    I might accuse Po’ Richard of being pretentious, but I don’t understood half of what he was saying and I try to avoid making accusations out of ignorance.

    But, back to the comic, I’m with Mark. That last frame (I would prefer it sans mo’s line) is begging for merchandising. I wish I could blow it up to 1280×960 and just have as my computer wallpaper.

    I <3 author

  10. Alex DeLarge says:

    I’m with Marc Whyles…We want that last Frame on T-Shirt!

  11. Achim says:

    one t-shirt for me (with the line of Mo)!

  12. Poor Richard says:

    Thanks, Trevor, for cutting me a slice of slack. Pretentious language is the target here, both in this most excellent comic strip and in my intention to further send up the stuffy evasions of true believers and pseudo thinkers.

    There is only one point: religion IS funny.

  13. Hobbes says:

    “Proctology recapitulates hagiography.” hahahahahahahahahahaha!

  14. Hobbes says:

    But shouldn’t that be “hageeography?” or, perhaps “robertsonography?”

  15. Hobbes says:

    Oh yes, hagiography: the study of saints. All the same thing, really.

  16. JohnnieCanuck says:

    Well, more accurately, studies of writings about revered persons. ‘Course with most saints already long dead, there wasn’t much else one could do to study them.

    You either had to read what others had made up about them, or make up something to write about them yourself.

  17. Hobbes says:

    Hi JohnnieCanuck, I answered your question in last toon. I usually don’t have access to the Internet but a couple days a month. I’m hoping to improve that shortly.

    I’d still love to read some of the deleted responses to this toon. Surely respondents have condemned author to the hottest pit of Hell and issued multiple threats to put him or her there. So very insecure are these people. Their very threats betray their deepest secret: that their religious beliefs are too weak to stand on their own.

    All opponents of free speech should study John Stewart Mill, and read Thomas Jefferson’s Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom.

  18. carolita says:

    I think if people want to live somewhere where it’s punishable by death to render an illustration of a religious figure, they should go live there.

    And anyway, haven’t they got thing backwards? Shouldn’t they only punish people of their OWN religion who draw pictures of their gods/prophets/whoever? I mean, someone who isn’t part of their religion can’t possibly have a clue as to what their god looks like. Any representation made by someone outside their religion should be considered simply nonsense.

    They can’t go around making people who have nothing to do with their religions abide by their religious rules. That’s just ridiculous. What if I have a religion that prohibits the public consumption of coffee? Now what?

    Let them live like those Jehova Witnesses in DUMBO, who are so disgusted with the rest of society that they have their own Jehovahmobiles taking them to work, to spare them any actual contact with the rest of us.

    Like I should stop going around with my head uncovered because some religious fanatic thinks I’ve ruined his day by giving him sexual thoughts?

    This just gets me so steamed!

  19. Jakob Brun says:


    This cartoon perfectly communicates my thoughts on the cartoon matter. On one hand you shouldn’t make fun of other peoples beliefs especially when the tone of the cartoon is one of bitter recentment – i’m danish and the context of the cartoon was not ridicule but scorn. It is perfectly understandable that muslims in Denmark feel that this is yet another attack on their cultural heritage. Jyllands Postens cartoons where MEANT to upset muslims and because it was a part of a bigger trend to belittle muslims in Denmark it was totally unacceptable!! Of course they have the RIGHT to do it, but that doesn’t make it right!
    But making this a global religious crisis is completely insane in my mind. Who cares what a conservative newspaper in Denmark prints about Islam? Are muslims really THAT insecure about their beliefs, that they have to impose it on everyone else so that sin won’t sneak up on them?
    I know, that the reactions we see on the news are part of local political agendas, but it seems all to easy to rally up angry mobbs just referring to disrespecting the prophet…

  20. tie says:

    jakob, everyone remembers the burn embassies and murdered people by thousands of Buddhists totally upset by the Taliban destroying the ancient stone statues of Buddha with dynamite.

    we are talking of people who would murder a cartoonist and stab to death a movie director to defend the honour of their invisible god friend.

    get a grip on reality, time to make excuses is over, if they where offended, then make a cartoon or movie in response. PERIOD.

  21. Jakob Brun says:

    Tie, what you call making excuses I call trying to understand what seems to be completely irrational behaviour… If anything this crisis has shown us, that we have to deal with the fact, that there are people with different ideas than our own. Don’t get me wrong, in this case we (defenders of freedom of speech etc.) are right and they’re wrong. But why don’t they see it that way? How can we convince them, that a cartoon depicting the prophet is NOT grounds for mortal retribution? That demands our understanding them. How else are we ever to live in this globalized world?

    There are ALWAYS explanations, and people are for the most part following some form of rational logic. Difficult in the present case as it may seem, we have to deal with people rationally – even if they don’t! After all, what’s the alternative – culture war?

  22. Poor Richard says:

    Jakob: it is culture war.

  23. Jakob Brun says:

    Well, that’s depressing…

  24. tie says:

    of course it’s a culture war, when Islam commands to spread the word and they are yearning for a global Caliphate, or Ummah.

    It is a culture war, because Islam is an all encompassing way of life, based on religion and Sharia law, it is not just a belief for sundays, its a 5 times a day I believe plus the law is also religious and leaving the religion (apostassy) is punished by death.

    so, no much room for discussion really. Is them or us, and so far it’s looking bleak, their natality rates are way higher than ours.

    It’s a bloodless invasion at the moment, and not far from now, a bloody struggle.

    Call me crazy, but I’m not inventing any of this.

  25. Jakob Brun says:

    When I said culture war I of course meant a real war between the west and the muslim world – not the symbolic war for hegemony which we obviously are winning – or would be, if we stuck to our ideals in stead of rushing down a path towards totalitarism in fear of terrorists! The people who supposedly plottet to kill the cartoonist in Denmark are not even going on trial – they are sent out of the country with a sign around there necks saying: “a danger to society” and nobody except the intelligence agency knows on what grounds. That’s not the way to defend our way of life!?!

    There are over a billion muslims in the world and only a tiny percentage of which are zealots, as you discribe. True, those zealots are beyond deliberative reach, but most muslims are pragmatic.

    Who have more to fear? Us or them? When was the last time a muslim country invaded another country? Iraq into Quwait in ’91 with a crazy despot leading the country?
    The bloodless invasion you talk about, i guess, is the emigration? Most people coming to the west WANT to be part of society! Viewing them as soldiers in a war between cultures will create only that… and btw whats up with the Berlin ’39 retoric?? Do we really need another holocaust?

  26. tie says:

    your claim that it is a tiny percentage of zealots I’m not sure its true.

    In a BBC poll you can google for easily, 35% of Muslims from the uk, age 16-24 said that they would like to see sharia law implemented in England.

    To be honest, 35% its not a fringe minority, and I never seen a protest on the street against terrorism by muslims that has any weight whatsoever.

    Islam and Muslims somehow can’t seem to do the self examining and criticism of their own religion thing. They are always right, or there was a good reason to kill the cartoonist, there is always a ‘yes but…’

    berlin 39 retoric? well,… I did not invent the natality rates, they do breed X4 quicker than us, and do no seem to be adapting to anything that goes against Islam and sharia, and those who do, do not dare to criticise their brothers and sisters who follow Islam correctly. And by correctly I mean “stone the gays and adulterers and no criticism please” correctly. Sharia law is integral to Islam and denying what it says as LAW does not help anyone. And pretending that even if they grow as majority they will somehow never change the law of the land to become sharia, is just infantile.

  27. Jakob Brun says:

    First of all statistics are notoriously faulty due to their lack of nuance. Even if the percentage is correct it’s still uncertain what people mean by ‘Sharia’. Contrary to what many here in the west believe Sharia does NOT equal stoning of gays and adultresses – that is just one interpretation. Further more I think you might be misreading the poll to negatively: you said yourself that 35 % wish Sharia to be implemented into british law. That doesn’t necessarily mean that they wish to replace english law with Sharia, but that they wish Sharia to be taken into account… I don’t know and chances are neither do you.

    You’re right, though, that muslims seem to have a hard time turning a critical view on themselves probably due to a sence of victimization. When you feel that you are constantly being blamed for everything going wrong it is easier to stonewall and point the finger the other way. Not much different from what you’re doing, and interestingly enough where I come from, that constitutes childishness: “I didn’t do it! He started it!!”. – Diplomacy and searching for explanations is the opposite of infantility…

  28. tie says:

    If the people want Sharia on a poll, you can assume that if it gets implemented it will the Sharia on the books and sharia run by Imams.

    Even IF MAYBE the pollsters what really wanted was a vanilla version of sharia is 100% irrelevant. Once sharia is in place it’s not going to be vanilla, it will be the perfect word of god in law. The point of Islamic law is that it is UNCHANGED. Saying that you want a human rights compliant version of sharia, is like asking that you want a human rights compliant version of nazism.

    And all this paragraph above is on the SUPPOSITION that the poll answers where nuanced, witch probably where not, never seen a Muslim recant of any passage of their holy Coran or Sharia as barbaric, not even ACKNOWLEDGE it. Because it would rise many unpleasant questions about the divinity and “all goodness” of the author of said holy book.
    Flat out denial of any barbarity in the Coran or Sharia is the best way to stop the conversation going south into uncomfortable territory. And that is what they do every time.
    And Muslims are blamed for real things that they are responsible for… done in the name of their religion, folowing the creed of their religion.
    Its like saying that you can’t judge a Football team by their results.

    Islam commands violence against non-believers, and that leads to episodes like we see on the news. Denying this simple truth is just silly.

  29. Jakob Brun says:

    I have three points to make:

    1) even though the Coran is supposedly the perfect word of god, it’s still up to people to interpret it. They don’t call it that, but it’s a given fact, since people(imams) are reading it. Islam has had made faces through history, and it will change again.

    2) There have been christian minorities in both Syria, Iran and Iraq, to name a few muslim countries, for centuries. They have not been hunted down and killed, although the muslims there had every oppotunity. It is propably not easy being christian in Gaza, because the hostility towards them has increased in the recent decades, but they have not been extinct.

    3) Judging a footballteam on their results make perfect sence, but you have to do so over a period of time. If not you would take a look at the premiership and deduce that Newcastle og Liverpool FC are in their essence “middle-of-the-league”-teams. Both have glorious pasts and no one knows if they will have glorious futures. Actually the football team analogy is a good one, because teams have highs and lows.

    I think I’ve made my point, and since this is not a dialog but just two people selfreferencing this will probably be my last post on the matter.
    Hope you and people with the same “paranoia” as you get pleasently surprised…


  30. Jakob Brun says:

    “Islam has had made faces through history, and it will …”
    haha, that was supposed to say “many faces…”!

  31. tie says:

    I think you are overestimating the “glorious” past of Islam.

    and It’s not paranoia, they did blow up the train I get to work just an hour after I used it… it’s way to REAL for comfort.

    about the interpretation of the coran? seriously, have you read it? it’s not possible to twist 300 plus passages of “hate against the unbelievers” into love your neighbour and flower power.

    If it was possible, then maybe the outlook of Islamic societies today would be a bit broader on their acceptance of freedom of speech, secularity and woman’s rights. It’s not random chance that the Muslim world its backwards economically and socially with near zero scientific innovation and way below average freedoms. Denying it is not racism, or Western sense of superiority… its just looking at the data

    and seeing what is the reality in the world.

  32. samhuff says:

    Whatever turns you on.

  33. J. Doe says:

    i can safely say that jakob brun is a moron and that tie is completely right, hindsight is amazing


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