
On holiday, so here’s a corny resurrection from 2006.

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Discussion (15)¬

  1. MarkyWarky says:

    Holy effin’ cow, Mo just blinked at me! Is that new, or have I just never noticed it before?

  2. machigai says:

    It’s been a long time since we had a blink.

  3. Jesus F. Iscariot, Esq. says:

    Wow: congratulations!

    Amazing that you have been disseminating your pictorial Truth for more than thirteen years without the superstitious cartoonophobic Mohammedans finding a way to blow up the whole project!

    Allah must be disappointed in them. Or they are too busy worrying about throwing gays off buildings and making sure that the big black tents on women don’t show an ankle.

  4. Innocent Bystander says:

    Superb! One of your better ones, author. I mean, they’re all good, but the punchline here is particularly apposite, given the subject-matter. Glad you’ve not lost your touch.

  5. M27Holts says:

    Is site back? What happened?

  6. Adolph Clickbait says:

    Free will / gods plan.
    AKA: Heads I win tails you lose.

  7. Someone says:

    I don’t like the director’s cut where Willy lands on Jesse and has to be euthanized, before being mulched into chum to lure out the great whites that keep getting trapped in the water park.
    Too depressing.

    To touch on J’s point, if God knows, he doesn’t care. By that logic, neither should we of him.

  8. Troubleshooter says:

    Why does he have to make a joke? It’s called changing the subject to avoid the fact that Mo doesn’t have a coherent answer to the question. For that matter, neither does Jesus!

  9. Tinkling Think says:

    A “free willy” is an offence variously either a breach of the peace, contempt court or breach of an A.S.B.O. that can land you in jail for years and years and years, with brief, 30-second outings to air your ……… opinions.

    Of the “offences”, I’d agree that it could properly be an “anti-social” behaviour. It depends on exactly how unattractive he is.

    Disagreement with you is not “contempt”, nor is it treason, treachery, un-American Activities nor subversion. Only tyrants think it is. Fair-minded individuals can disagree without demonising.

    Hmmm, I think I drifted from the “joke”.

  10. Tinkling Think says:

    “contempt of court”, of course. Sorry.

  11. M27Holts says:

    Here’s me thinking a “Free Willy” was something you enjoy on a nudest beach….

  12. Tinkling Think says:

    M27Holts, one would only find the “free willy” if there should be a nudist beach within 30 seconds of rambling distance of a court, if Mr. G. knows this and if all the local Plod are more than 30 seconds of galloping time away from the dock when Mr. G. is in it.

    Even then there could be some issues with the public pubic bits between court and beach.

    England’s a funny old place at times, even the glaciated shires north of the Pole.

    And she has loads of video-cameras on posts.

    Umm, regarding the first paragraph, more Terms and Conditions may apply. They usually do.

    Note: according to this site, there are loads of N.B.’s in the UKland islands but absolutely none of them have any actual real nudists on them. That is very, very strange.

    This site has one nudist but she only has a rear, which is also strange.

    There is an actual, real site that sites nudist beaches that do have more than a solitary undressed person on them but …….. apparently only a single, solitary nakey person both has a front and is not teentsy, tiny miles away, micro-ant-sized and blurred.

    Nudist beaches are weird. I don’t think I’ll be visiting any if I have to do without a front and be blurred and teentsy-tiny.

    Not that I have anything against Wales.

  13. Dr John the Wipper says:

    Tinkling Think:
    Your obserations about info on nude beaches are correct.
    However, you have to blame the Yankee, hypocritival, mostly, “guardians” of the internet, who rudely censor any nudity. (Except of course the sites with explicit pornography, if warned beforehand).
    To them, nude = sex.
    But you obviously DO have thr location info, and I only can advise you to have a look for yourself! Of course, you should pick a time with favorable weather.

    Like my own late father (who came to help my family when our car died during our vacation in Croatia), within the hour of helping prepare to leave with him, he felt like joining us.

  14. Dr John the Wipper says:

    Tinkling Think:
    Your obserations about info on nude beaches are correct.
    However, you have to blame the, mostly Yankee, hypocritical, “guardians” of the internet, who rudely censor any nudity. (Except of course the sites with explicit pornography, if warned beforehand).
    To them, nude = sex.
    But you obviously DO have thr location info, and I only can advise you to have a look for yourself! Of course, you should pick a time with favorable weather.

    Like my own late father (who came to help my family when our car died during our vacation in Croatia), within the hour of helping prepare to leave with him, he felt like joining us.

  15. Tinkling Think says:

    Dr. John, no, thank you, I have no interest in visiting such places. It might be that I could, by accident, visit the beaches whist wandering about, as I do on random occasions, but visiting them for their “attractions” is not in me. I’m just not that enthused by the prospect of nakey people. I only dredged up the information for Mr. M27Holst as a helpful jest.

    I do agree that nude =/= sex. Indeed, sex would be one of the last things anyone would be thinking of were to be seen on a visit to one of those places. Whatever I might be imagining, the locals would hardly find the view of me enticing, erotic or exciting.

    More likely emetic.

    Still, it is nice to know that others do enjoy such things. Just as it is nice to see people having fun at concerts, sporting events or car rallies. It is nice to see people being able to afford to have fun and not being forced to work all day, every day just to survive.

    I think that is one of the better perquisites of civilisation. That and showers.


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