
She gets around.

Discussion (14)¬

  1. kiyaroru says:

    funny, she doesn’t look jewish

  2. Postman says:

    She’s a bit narcissistic if you ask me.

  3. John Moore says:

    I have always wondered why Mary wasn’t considered part of the Trinity. Isn’t she omnipotent by injection? Wait not injection – divine infection?

  4. Chiaroscuro says:

    Jhon, I agree. but then the trinity has to be transformed into a Tetra-whatever it be called. But it would be a good political move to appeal to the feminists, I think the Holy spirit is kinda gay with the dove stuff but is not enough to get a sex balance in the god equation.

  5. […] Jesus and Mo discuss the tree stump Virgin Mary Oh, chaps. I love you and want your babies. […]

  6. My favourite miraculous misconception is that infamous photo of a dog’s arse that looks like a be-robed Jesus. Class!

    If you are unfamiliar with said icon, just Google images of ‘Jesus dogs ass’!

  7. Daoloth says:

    Of possible interest to JaMers-
    A religious appointment at the head of science by Obama. Possibly a politically astute move but a worrying one nonetheless. Also, it suggests that we still have a very long way to go.

  8. Didac says:

    Mary plays an important role both in Christianity and Islam (19th Sura of Koran is dedicated to her), but Catholics literally hyperdull her. She is not included in the Trinity, as John Moore suggest. However, the Holy Family is a kind of earthly Trinity (Saint Mary-Jesus-Saint Joseph) and there is an intersection here with the heavenly Trinity (Father-Jesus-Spirit). Mary has been a way for a patriarchic religion to co-opt female cults and mysteries, and for this reason a great number of Mary’s advocations exist in Catholic and Orthodox countries. Pareidolia is the phenomenon that explain not only that manifestations of Mary in a toast but also probably apparitions such as in Lourdes (Lòrda) and Fatima. It’s a pity because Mary in Lòrda spoke, according to Bernadeta Sobirós, in “lordetan” (the local version of Occitan language) and not in “official” French.

  9. PJ says:

    It is not just to Catholics that miracles appear. A few years ago in my town, Allah chose to write his name in the seeds inside an aubergine. Not to be outdone, some time later Ganesh announced his presence by making one of his statues run with milk (or something, possibly…). Much wonderment amongst credulous sectarians, much tapping of the forehead by the rest of us.

  10. spoing says:

    @PJ … nothing like a little healthy competition between gods. There was me thinking the Catholics had the miracle market cornered … wonder if Scientologists will ever find a way to tap into this one? The face of Tom Cruise in a dog’s nether regions perhaps?

  11. gsw says:

    Dear Author,
    I have (again) voted Yes to “is it funny today” and I should like to point out that J&M is ALWAYS funny. However, sometimes, like today, I fall off the office stool laughing.
    Please, could we have a “Is it funny today” Yes; No; RITA (Rolling in the Aisles.)

  12. His Royal Oddness says:

    YAY!! Just received the “Uncontrollable Lust” mug a few mins ago. Thanks, Author! Keep us laughing and try not to get your head SPOINGed off. Haha! 😀

  13. jerry w says:

    “Authorized Superstition”, now playing in a house of worship near you!

    For Christ’s sake, don’t be late…. Or give away the ending.

  14. follow this says:

    I have (again) voted Yes to “is it funny today” and I should like to point out that J&M is ALWAYS funny. However, sometimes, like today, I fall off the office stool laughing.
    Please, could we have a “Is it funny today” Yes; No; RITA (Rolling in the Aisles.)


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