March 2nd, 2016
The winner of this month’s raffle prize in Andrea from WI. Congratulations, Andrea!
Oh, and I’m proud to say my boys feature in this week’s Atheist Pig!
The winner of this month’s raffle prize in Andrea from WI. Congratulations, Andrea!
Oh, and I’m proud to say my boys feature in this week’s Atheist Pig!
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Last frame, Mo sounds like my wife. đ
oh dear
It is written in the babbling of islam
A women is worth half of a man
Also, Moe, you’ll be elated
When your genitals get mutilated
By a halal hag from pakistan.
The Burka is a monument to male Muslim insecurity. It is no coincidence that it resembles the box used to secure uncollected mail with a slot designed to constrain allowable communication to the minimum that is permitted.
Thanks for introducing me to the atheist pig
@ nassar+Ben+Houdja:
Another great Limerick, like every week.
“…A women is worth half of a man….”
Is that why they have two wives?
Loved this one. Being gay it is nice to see Mo’s feminine side. And Nassar: great Limerick.
Justin Case
Is that why they have two wives?
I was under the impression 4 were allowed.
Does that actually make him the numerical minority?
(but imagine having 4 mothers-in-law)!
I am not a spammer, but AFAIK it IS made of pork, so I eat it every once in a while.
4 wives? I think that 1 is certainly more than enough, at least my 1…
Somewhat on this subject, why do martyrs that blow themselves up get 72?
well I speculate that the 72 virgins remain virgins after you meet them- the way this happens is that the ‘martyr’ is also transformed into a female virgin -so that there are groups of 73 virgins wondering around souly for the pleasure of mo and allah
the husband could have four wives and only 1 mother in law if the man [sic] were to marry four sisters
So JC is a top? Yoopee!
It’s actually punishment for being stupid and greedy. I doubt there’s any man that can devote himself to even two women, much less 72.
is also transformed into a female virgin
I ‘ve seen it explained as 72 prison thugs that were strong enough never th have been “fresh meat”,so they retained their (anal) virginity, but they will just have to do with the martyrs, because moslim heaven of course is also sexe-segregated.
Per islamic scripture, the limit of 4 wives is/was for “ordinary men”. Mo had however sexual appetite way beyond this, and conveniently had revelations allowing him with a super duper special permit to have as many “wives” (which includes war booty) as he wished. In the “less acknowledged” Sira (less theologically authorative than Quran and Sunnah) there are even several references to the magnificant features including sexual libido of said prophet, praising his ability to satisfy the lot.
Being a ‘prophet of course Mo was able to see into the future
and thus his wife limit ruling not applying to him was merely him predictably copying Joseph Smith
drJohndeWipper: mother-in-law references? Really?
Though I like the idea of muslim martyrs ending up with 72 prison thug virgins!
72 virgins
assuming the traditional idea of 72 9 year old girls to molest
where do they come from?
according to islam ‘hell’ is full of women
so if heaven contains 72 times as many females as males – then either
a] Pervallah creates them from nothing magically
b] they are made from the ‘souls’ of women
c] they are made from the souls of men
whichever way it is then clearly ‘Pervallah prefers that ‘heaven’ be full of females
assuming the traditional idea of 72 9 year old girls to molest
where do they come from?
Well, an alternative idea: A GIANT busisness model for rubber doll factories
@pink+squirrel, When looking at Allah’s extreme vanity and appetite for pompous celebrations (Cue: he(sic) is apparantly not content with the daily praises from the blessed/resurrected, but each day he creates 70 000 heavenly cheerleaders _de novo_), I suspect the the virgins also are created _de novo_. Easier to reconcile with the “fact” you pointed to: Mo’s visit to hell where he observed/reported that “the majority were women”.
More specific on the heavenly cheerleaders ( They’re in the seventh heaven, according to Bukhari) : Quote……. Their number
The angels are many, and their number is known only to Allah. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, describing the Much-Frequented House (al-Bayt al-Mâamoor) in the seventh heaven:
“Then I was taken up to the Much-Frequented House: every day seventy thousand angels visit it and leave, never returning to it again, another [group] coming after them.” [al-Bukhaari] …….Unquote Source: https://islamqa.info/en/843
Cassanders says:
“Per islamic scripture, the limit of 4 wives is/was for âordinary menâ. Mo had however sexual appetite way beyond this….” So, Mo was the Bill Clinton of his day?
70,000 per day
so if the planet is 6000 years old [their believe not mine] that’s a fair few by now
that’s two days for the entire JW quota
every day seventy thousand angels visit it and leave, never returning to it again, another [group] coming after them
The angels are many, and their number is known only to Allah
If the number is known only to ‘allah’
then the count of 70,000 must be totally made up nonsene
angels visit it and leave, never returning to it again
where do they go ?
why don’t they return – is proximity to ‘allah’ an extremely unpleasant experience
or is there some other reason
Is there a competition for spaces or is it allotted by merit?
if ‘paradise/heaven exists’ then surely these questions can be investigated scientifically
There are said to be 70000 angels above the Kaaba. Even if they behave even remotely like pidgeons, I wonder how it smells over there.
Not being moslim, I of course am prohibited from finding out (which I do not regret much)
if you do have any regret about being muslim, you could perhaps pretend to be a follower of allah [ all muslims pretend ‘god exists’ so why not] travel to Mecca then as soon as you get home renounce islam
then as soon as you get home renounce islam
…. at the penalty of death for apostacy. NO THANKS, rather not.
pink squirrel and drJohndeWipper – see Swap
âŚ. at the penalty of death for apostacy
well there is that
but given all non muslims are under sentence of death for being unbelievers anyway,
it does not really make much difference to our status in Islam
@Jerry+www. Power ( which of course includes being a religious leader) is a quite obvious way for males to have acces to wealth and sex. Clinton was however living in an environment where he needed to keep his actions secret. This in contrast to Mo (when his power-base was established) who had the advantage of being able to overrule the established ethics.
Cassanders says:
“Mo (when his power-base was established) who had the advantage of being able to overrule the established ethics.”
Not knowing Mo’s, eh, tastes in partners, would his dates be required to be Halal?
Methinks the ease by which he managed to bypass “normal rules” speaks volumes about the position he managed to aquire, -also when alive. “Thanks” to a significant set of conveniently received revelations, he established a set of special “permissions” for himself which were “heavenly justified” (After all, only HE had this communication with Jibrel/Gabriel :-)). On the other hand, there are signs of “power struggle”, e.g between him and Umar/Omar, his loyal companion ( and later to become one of the four “rightly guided caliphs”). Interesting (and unfortunately) one of the issues manifested itself as a major part of the justification for veiling of women. This happened after Omar having nagged and nagged about (some of) Mo’s wives going out in the field to relieve themselves without clothes during the night when Omar was guard (and a stalking peeping Tom, I might add). Anyway, Omar was persistent enough to have Mo having yet one of his convenient revelations to have the arse shut up….. And the rest is history.
That veil in itself has a pretty (for Moslims inconvenient) history.
Some 1000 years before Mo, the Sumerian temple prostitutes wore a veil… to distinguish them from decent women; and was only worn when they were actually available.
History sometimes DOES have humour!
History sometimes DOES have humour!
indeed so, some of the best jokes being Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Mormonism
the humour quality improving over time.
only worn when they were actually available.
did you mean the Sumerian sex workers only wore veils when they were working or only when the veils were available
did you mean the Sumerian sex workers only wore veils when they were working or only when the veils were available
Only when they were working.
But they could only leave the temple duty when they had at least once serviced a “worshipper”. The more ugly ones sometimes had to bribe a customer…
I really HATE it when my formatting brakes down.
Please assume the italics above having ended at the end of repeating pink+squirrel’s question
Vagina/sex worker worship
at least its something real being worshipped